The earliest finds of Panathenaic prize amphorae in Olbia Pontica

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Bujskikh, Alla
Khmelevskiy, Dmytro
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The paper aims to publish the two fragments of Panathenaic prize amphorae from Olbia Pontica. They were found in the same stratigraphic condition when the cultural layer with the archaeological materials dated to the 6th century BC was mixed with the materials of the 1st – the 2nd centuries AD while the defensive buildings of the Roman citadel were erected. The main features of depictions include Athena’s head in the Attic helmet with the high crescent upon the tongue motifs, a spear in her right hand with a bracelet, a Medusas’ snake from the aegis above her shoulder, and a rooster on a votive column behind her – on the first fragment and a figure of a running athlete – on the second fragment, both with the added colors, allowed to propose their certain attribution. Both fragments represent the different sides of the Panathenaic prize amphorae. The stylistic analysis of the fragments allowed us to date them to the last third of the 6th century BC and to draw a conclusion about their belonging to the same amphora. The latter had been manufactured at the time of the Antimenes Painter. Apart from Olbia, the pieces of the Panathenaic prize amphorae which can be dated to the last third of the 6th century BC were found in Histria and Panticapaeum. Thus, the whole Northern Pontic area was incorporated into the distribution of Panathenaic prize amphorae in the time before 500 BC.
Straipsnyje skelbiami du Panatėnajos prizinių amforų fragmentai iš Olbijos. Jie buvo rasti VI a. permaišytame sluoksnyje su I–II a. po Kr. radiniais, statant Romos citadelės gynybinius pastatus. Fragmentuose vaizduojama Atėnė su Atikos šalmu, puoštu pusmėnuliu, dešinėje rankoje laikanti ietį. Virš jos peties matoma Medūzos gyvatė, už Atėnės nugaros – ant kolonos tupintis gaidys. Antrame fragmente vaizduojamas bėgantis atletas. Abu fragmentai nuspalvinti papildomai, todėl juos lengva priskirti atitinkamam tipui: tai pačiai trečiu VI a. pr. Kr. trečdaliu datuojamai Panatėnajos amforai, pagamintai dailininko Antimeno laikais. Abu fragmentai vaizduoja skirtingas Panatėnajos prizinių amforų puses. Be Olbijos, Panatėnajos prizinių amforų, kurios gali būti datuojamos tuo pačiu periodu, fragmentų buvo aptikta ir Istrijoje bei Pantikapėjoje. Taigi Panatėnajos prizinės amforos iki 500 m. pr. Kr. pasklido po visą Šiaurės Ponto sritį.
Olbia Pontica, Panathenaic prize amphorae, Antimenes Painter, article, Olbija, Panatėnajos prizinės amforos, dailininkas Antimenas
Bujskikh A. V. The earliest finds of Panathenaic prize amphorae in Olbia Pontica / Bujskikh Alla Valeriivna, Khmelevskiy Dmytro Mykolayovych // Lietuvos archeologija. - 2022. - T. 48. - P. 311-326. -