The Unitary Cayley Graph of Upper Triangular Matrix Rings
Hołubowski, Waldemar
Kozerenko, Sergiy
Oliynyk, Bogdana
Solomko, Viktoriia
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The unitary Cayley graph CR of a finite unital ring R is the simple graph with vertex set R in which two elements x and y are connected by an edge if and only if x − y is a unit of R. We characterize the unitary Cayley graph CTn(F) of the ring of all upper triangular matrices Tn(F) over a finite field F. We show that CTn(F) is isomorphic to the semistrong product of the complete graph Km and the antipodal graph of the Hamming graph A(H(n, pk)), where m = p kn(n−1) 2 and |F| = pk. In particular, if |F| = 2, then the graph CTn(F) has 2n−1 connected components, each component is isomorphic to the complete bipartite graph Km,m, where m = 2 n(n−1) 2 . We also compute the diameter, triameter, and clique number of the graph CTn(F).
unitary Cayley graph, upper triangular matrix ring, antipodal graph, Hamming graph, clique number, preprint
The Unitary Cayley Graph of Upper Triangular Matrix Rings / Waldemar Hołubowski, Sergiy Kozerenko, Bogdana Oliynyk, Viktoriia Solomko - [S. l.] : arXiv, 2024. - 9 p. -