Культурологічна модель декадентського твору

dc.contributor.authorКирилова, Ольга
dc.descriptionThe article is focused on the re-construction of the "decadence pattern of work of art" by means of a cultural study. Such a pattern, consisting of multiple levels, is important to be defined as the criterion of the decadent pattern of work of art in both narrative and non-narrative arts. In this pattern, a number of levels, codes and motives can be outlined. The universal principles are classified as narrative, anthropological, and worldview (symbolist/decadent). The first one allows to outline a number of codes. The Code of Death (thanatological code) as the key cultural code of decadence is related to the structure of a work of art and certain character structures (patterns) related to cultural myths: the pattern of Anti-Pygmalion, the pattern of Maria Vechera, the decadent suicidal pattern. The Feminological Code presumes the feminocentric structure of a work of art and its morphology. The Code of Overman (the code of degeneration) is considered to be ambivalent in the decadent oeuvre, as the notions of ‘strength’ and ‘weakness’ of a subject are considered to be ambivalent in the dialectics of decadence. The Code of Insanity refers to the Dionysian dimension of decadence as well as to the degeneration code. As for non-narrative arts, the ‘decadence pattern’ can be transformed, one the one hand, by outlining the universal levels among those outlined above, and, on the other hand, by introducing specific levels for this very type of art. In visual arts (basically painting), the morphological level can be outlined as the basic level to resolve the question of the structure. A piece of music can constitute the above codes as specific musical metaphors and also be constituted as a part of ‘Gezamtkunstwerk’ as an auditory level of a more complex work of art. The re-construction of a ‘decadence pattern’ in a work of art seems to be the most complex concerning the cinematic text with multiple levels.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтаттю присвячено першій послідовній культурологічній реконструкції узагальненої моделі декадентського твору. У цій реконструкції виділено базові загальні рівні (світоглядний, антропологічний, наративний, морфологічний) та проаналізовано систему кодів і патернів, властиву цій моделі.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationКирилова О. О. Культурологічна модель декадентського твору / Кирилова О. О. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - 2016. - Т. 179 : Теорія та історія культури. - С. 28-31.uk_UA
dc.relation.sourceНаукові записки НаУКМА. - 2016. - Т. 179 : Теорія та історія культури. - С. 28-31.uk_UA
dc.statuspublished earlieruk_UA
dc.subjectдекадентський твірuk_UA
dc.subjectкультурологічне моделюванняuk_UA
dc.subjectнаративні мистецтваuk_UA
dc.subjectdecadence worken_US
dc.subjectculturological modelingen_US
dc.subjectnarrative artsen_US
dc.subjectthanatic theurgyen_US
dc.titleКультурологічна модель декадентського творуuk_UA
dc.title.alternative"Decadence Pattern" in the Work of Arten_US
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