Кафедра міжнародного та європейського права
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Item Практика міжнародних кримінальних трибуналів та її значення для міжнародного кримінального права(2024) Коваль, ДмитроМатеріали доповіді учасника IV Яценківських читань (2023 рік).Item Звичаєве право як джерело міжнародного кримінального права(2024) Бусол, КатеринаМатеріали доповіді учасника IV Яценківських читань (2023 рік).Item General principles of law аs a source of international law(2024) Antonovych, MyroslavaThese reports of a participant in the international scientific and practical conference "Principles of law: universal and national in the context of modern globalization and European integration processes", Kyiv, June 21–22, 2024.Item Ukraine’s road towards the European Union membership in time of War: “Accession through War” v. Gradual Integration: European Union legal principles in action(2024) Petrov, RomanThese reports of a participant in the international scientific and practical conference "Principles of law: universal and national in the context of modern globalization and European integration processes", Kyiv, June 21–22, 2024.Item Міжнародне гуманітарне право у контексті міжнародних прав людини(2005) Антонович, МирославаОсновні права людини є важливою частиною як міжнародних актів з прав людини, так і міжнародних актів з гуманітарного права, однак більшість міжнародників розглядають міжнародне право з прав людини та міжнародне гуманітарне право як окремі галузі міжнародного права. У цій статті аналізується природа й застосування норм гуманітарного права у ширшому контексті їх співвідношення з міжнародними правами людини та порівнюється захист прав людини кожним із вказаних режимів.Item Legal terminology on human rights: origin, interpretation, functioning(1997) Antonovych, MyroslavaThere is a growing tendency nowadays to use legal terms on human rights not only in international documents, national legislation and courtrooms, but also in politics, government administration and other spheres of life. Terms concerning human rights are among legal terms most frequently used by people in everyday life due to the clarity of their meaning, their topicality and highly emotive, even rhetoric potential. As Samuel Donnelly noted "rights and the effort to understand their meaning and function have become the most important topics in the key dialogue of the 20th century." We understand legal terminology on human rights as an open system of words and word combinations which are used in the norms of international and domestic law with regard to human rights and in other spheres of social life, and which express the concepts belonging to the sphere of human rights.Item Юридична термінологія з прав людини: походження, тлумачення, функціонування(1997) Антонович, МирославаНині зростає тенденція до використання юридичних термінів з прав людини не тільки в міжнародних актах, національних законодавствах, в судочинстві, але також і в політиці, управлінні та в інших сферах життя. Терміни з прав людини належать до тих юридичних термінів, які найчастіше використовуються людьми в щоденному житті, оскільки вони зрозумілі, актуальні, мають високий емоційний, навіть риторичний потенціал. За словами С. Доннеллі, "права та зусилля зрозуміти їхнє значення і функцію стали найважливішими темами головного діалогу двадцятого століття. Під юридичною термінологією з прав людини ми розуміємо відкриту систему слів та словосполучень, які використовуються в нормах міжнародного та внутрішньодержавного права щодо прав людини та в інших сферах суспільного життя і виражають поняття, які належать до сфери прав людини.Item Training on methods for the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 on Security of Gas Supply and other related Regulations, Vienna, 24-25 April 2023(Publications Office of the European Union, 2023) Fernandez Blanco Carramolino, Ricardo; Zaccarelli, Nicola; Farmer, R.; Prokofiev, A.; Badanova, Ielyzaveta; Rodríguez Gómez, N.; Bolado Lavín, RicardoThe Directorate C for Energy, Mobility and Climate of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) have organised together with the Energy Community a comprehensive training on "Methods for the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 on Security of Gas Supply and other related Regulations”" This training was held in Vienna, Austria, on 24-25 April 2023. The objective of this training course, is to provide interested experts and organisations with the methods needed to implement the regulation. Specifically, the course provides practical guidelines to elaborate three important documents stemming from this regulation: the Risk Assessment, the Preventive Action Plan and the Emergency Plan. As a distinctive feature compared to previous editions, a description of the recently adopted regulations related to security of gas supply in the European Union has been presented. The training is very timely given that the Contracting Parties of the Energy Community should submit their respective Risk Assessments by 1 January 2024.Item Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond : research for CULT Committee(Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2023) Campfens, Evelien; Jakubowski, Andrzej; Hausler, Kristin; Selter, Elke; Busol, Kateryna; Ablyalimova-Chyihoz, Elmira; Koval, Dmytro; Yashnyi, DenysThis study examines how cultural heritage can be better protected from the effects of armed conflicts, in Ukraine and beyond. It includes an analysis of the applicable international law and policy frameworks and the practice of key international actors in Ukraine, as well as in past conflicts. It concludes with a set of specific recommendations to the EU and its Member States to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of armed conflicts, now and in the future.Item Ukraine's Pursuit of Justice Hinders Peace(Chatham House, 2023) Busol, KaterynaMany believe that for Ukraine to insist on judicial redress is unrealistic and should not be a precondition of a peace settlement. However, quite apart from the moral imperative, the reality is that peace will not hold unless justice – in the form of trials and reparations – is served.Item Russian Aggression and Individual Reparations: Victims' Needs and Ways to Address Them Under International Law(2023) Busol, KaterynaThis article analyzes Ukraine’s progress in ensuring prosecution for breach of laws and customs of war and international crimes committed during russian aggression. A special prism of the research is the dynamics of Ukraine’s success in organizing reparations programs to support the victims. First, detailed key obligations of Ukraine and russia and the requirements of international law to provide effective remedies to victims, in particular, in the context of transitional justice, are disclosed. The gradual expansion of the focus of the Ukrainian authorities and the human rights community on criminal justice to more comprehensive support for different groups of victims is considered. Ukraine needs to urgently develop the whole spectrum of reparation measures without focusing only on compensation. This publication also explains why more reparations should be provided through a simplified administrative procedure rather than a judicial one, why Ukraine should provide urgent interim reparations as soon as possible, and why the voice of victims and a sensitive gender prism are key at all stages of these processes.Item Перспективи застосування механізмів міжнародного торговельного права у відповідь на заборону імпорту української сільськогосподарської продукції у ЄС(2023) Козачук, НаталіяУ статті проаналізовано заходи, які застосовуються Польщею, Угорщиною та Словаччиною на рівні національних законодавств, а також Європейською комісією з весни 2023 р., які забороняють імпорт певної сільськогосподарської продукції з України та де-факто можуть спричиняти обмеження свободи транзиту. У вересні 2023 р. Україна ініціювала у СОТ 3 спори проти Польщі, Угорщини та Словаччини. Досліджено оскаржувані положення ГАТТ 1994, та Угоди про сільське господарство, а також їх застосування. Розглянуто перспективи відновлення справедливості через звернення до механізмів врегулювання суперечок у MPIA та DCFTA. Встановлено, що є дуже високі шанси того, що оскаржувані заходи, застосовані Польщею, Угорщиною та Словаччиною будуть визнані такими, що не відповідають нормам права СОТ.Item Onstruing national and ethnic groups under the Genocide Convention through Soviet and Russian narratives on the Ukrainian identities(2024) Vishchyk, MaksymDebates on the genocidal nature of Russian atrocities in Ukraine have uncovered various grey zones of the law on genocide. While most contemporary commentaries have focused on the essence and scope of the crime’s central element – the intent to destroy the group in whole or in part – little analysis has been dedicated to defining and understanding the alleged object of the destruction, i.e., protected groups themselves. Even beyond the Ukrainian context, this problem is endemic to contemporary doctrine and jurisprudence, providing a rather cursory or even contradictory analysis of the notions of protected groups seemingly without recourse to other fields studying human identities, such as anthropology. This article aims to address this lacuna by exploring the dichotomy between national and ethnic groups under the Genocide Convention through Soviet and Russian identity narratives. The article summarises the state of contemporary law and jurisprudence relevant to the definition of the protected groups, as well as associated gaps and inconsistencies. It further addresses challenging issues of the groups’ definition and delimitation through the lenses of modern anthropology, where the law is silent. The article stresses the importance of multidisciplinary and contextualised application of the legal concepts under the law of genocide in light of the meaning ascribed to them by other fields of study focusing on group identities and inter-group dynamics. Finally, the article applies relevant findings to the context of Soviet and further Russian narratives on the Ukrainian identities, illustrating the dichotomy between national and ethnic groups.Item Russia – traffic in transit: a landmark case undermining the role of WTO security exceptions amidst trade and hybrid wars(2024) Kozachuk, NataliiaThis article explores the relationship between trade and hybrid warfare conducted by state actors in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war before Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022 and the US-China trade war. It analyzes recent WTO case-law, notably the landmark case Russia – Traffic in Transit, where justification under GATT Art. XXI was successfully invoked by Russia – a WTO member that launched armed aggression against its neighbor, resorting to occupation and annexation of Ukraine’s territories. Panel’s application of a two-tier test in this case is put into question as Russia has neither explained what constituted an emergency in international relations nor articulated its essential security interests. The analysis addresses how Russia employed trade war tactics as part of its arsenal in the realm of hybrid warfare, subsequently escalating to a full-scale aggression against Ukraine, triggering the largest continental war in Europe since WWII. However, the article recognizes the balanced nature of the GATT Art. XXI interpretation, requiring the Panel to assess whether the measures were "taken in time of war or other emergency in international relations," and also to identify whether the invoking member acted in good faith when establishing the connection between the measures and its essential security interests. If applied correctly, this interpretation should not encourage further trade wars.Item Пам'яті Володимира Василенка (1937–2023): спадщина, що живе й далі(2024) Віщик, МаксимПам’яті Володимира Василенка (1937–2023): спадщина, що живе й далі.Item The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Its Accession to the EU(2023) Petrov, RomanThe Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 posed an existential challenge for Ukraine and the EU. On the one hand, it tested the EU’s resilience and political autonomy. On the other, it called into question the existence and territorial sovereignty of Ukraine—a country deeply committed to EU integration, having already sacrificed part of its territory and the lives of thousands of its citizens for the right to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in 2014. Nevertheless, the EU and its Member States remained reluctant to even acknowledge the prospect of Ukraine’s EU membership.Item Editorial(2023) Petrov, Roman; Zvieriev, Ievgen2022 was a year of tragic events for Ukraine and its peopledue to unprecedented military invasion by Russian Federationon February 24th. Kyiv-Mohyla Law & Politics Journal like many other Ukrainian academic periodicals and higher education establishmentshas faced unprecedented challenges of survival. Thus, we decided to postpone its 8/2022 issue and to merge it with 9/2023 issue. The editorial team has managed to attract and to review a number of high-quality articles, reflections and case notesin law and political science we propose to our readersin this joint 8-9/2022-2023 issue. All the materials have undergone thorough external review as usual.Item Temporary suspension of the public officials by the President of Ukraine: the established practice and new challenges(2023) Berko, StepanThis article analyzes the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On the Legal Regime of Martial Law, adopted after the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine’s territory. The author proves that the second clause of Article 11 of the mentioned law, granting the President of Ukraine powers to suspend public officials during martial law, contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine, whereas the latter has not vested such powers with the President of Ukraine. The author compares the suspension and the dismissal of a public official from the office and proves that the newly adopted provision contradicts the very nature and purpose of martial law. In the article, the author analyses a list of public officials to whom the adopted provision applies and argues that the only purpose the latter was adopted is to allow the President of Ukraine to dismiss public officials from their offices without proper legal grounds and the approval of others state authorities as required by the Constitution.Item When the Head of State Makes Rape Jokes, His Troops Rape on the Ground: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine(2023) Busol, KaterynaIn early February 2022, President Macron flew to Moscow, in yet another attempt to convince Russia to de-escalate its looming all-out offensive on Ukraine. After the lengthy negotiations – that became infamous for the enormously long table, which in itself could give rise to various Freudian interpretations – President Putin and President Macron proceeded to a joint press-conference. One of the issues that unsurprisingly emerged in the discussion were the Minsk Agreements. These controversial arrangements advocated by Russia eroded its role in the conflict in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region since 20142 and were perceived as "peace settlements" anywhere but in Ukraine. At the press conference, Vladimir Putin once again emphasized that Kyiv must implement the agreements. However, the Russian President voiced the demand in a rather unconventional form – using sexist wording, which alluded to rape: "My beauty, it’s your duty."Item The Holodomor-Genocide and the Ongoing Russian Genocide in Ukraine: Intent, Victims and Perpetrators(2023) Antonovych, MyroslavaIn my short article I will briefly compare two genocides committed against the Ukrainians within the period of one hundred years: the Holodomor in the first half of 20th century and the ongoing Russian genocide against the Ukrainian nation. These two genocides were committed by the same perpetrator – the Russian empire, which was called the USSR in the previous century and is called Russian Federation now. Whatever the name might be, it remains the same perpetrator – the Russian empire.