Інститут німецького права
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Це платформа для академічних і міждисциплінарних досліджень, порівняльного дослідження права на основі німецького та українського законодавства. Схожість минулого та теперішнього українського і німецького права, а також існуючі проблеми обох правових систем, є частиною дослідження. Зокрема на цьому порівняльному фоні аналізуються останні розробки українського законодавства.
Recent Submissions
Item Training on methods for the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 on Security of Gas Supply and other related Regulations, Vienna, 24-25 April 2023(Publications Office of the European Union, 2023) Fernandez Blanco Carramolino, Ricardo; Zaccarelli, Nicola; Farmer, R.; Prokofiev, A.; Badanova, Ielyzaveta; Rodríguez Gómez, N.; Bolado Lavín, RicardoThe Directorate C for Energy, Mobility and Climate of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) have organised together with the Energy Community a comprehensive training on "Methods for the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 on Security of Gas Supply and other related Regulations”" This training was held in Vienna, Austria, on 24-25 April 2023. The objective of this training course, is to provide interested experts and organisations with the methods needed to implement the regulation. Specifically, the course provides practical guidelines to elaborate three important documents stemming from this regulation: the Risk Assessment, the Preventive Action Plan and the Emergency Plan. As a distinctive feature compared to previous editions, a description of the recently adopted regulations related to security of gas supply in the European Union has been presented. The training is very timely given that the Contracting Parties of the Energy Community should submit their respective Risk Assessments by 1 January 2024.Item Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond : research for CULT Committee(Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2023) Campfens, Evelien; Jakubowski, Andrzej; Hausler, Kristin; Selter, Elke; Busol, Kateryna; Ablyalimova-Chyihoz, Elmira; Koval, Dmytro; Yashnyi, DenysThis study examines how cultural heritage can be better protected from the effects of armed conflicts, in Ukraine and beyond. It includes an analysis of the applicable international law and policy frameworks and the practice of key international actors in Ukraine, as well as in past conflicts. It concludes with a set of specific recommendations to the EU and its Member States to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of armed conflicts, now and in the future.Item Ukraine's Pursuit of Justice Hinders Peace(Chatham House, 2023) Busol, KaterynaMany believe that for Ukraine to insist on judicial redress is unrealistic and should not be a precondition of a peace settlement. However, quite apart from the moral imperative, the reality is that peace will not hold unless justice – in the form of trials and reparations – is served.Item Russian Aggression and Individual Reparations: Victims' Needs and Ways to Address Them Under International Law(2023) Busol, KaterynaThis article analyzes Ukraine’s progress in ensuring prosecution for breach of laws and customs of war and international crimes committed during russian aggression. A special prism of the research is the dynamics of Ukraine’s success in organizing reparations programs to support the victims. First, detailed key obligations of Ukraine and russia and the requirements of international law to provide effective remedies to victims, in particular, in the context of transitional justice, are disclosed. The gradual expansion of the focus of the Ukrainian authorities and the human rights community on criminal justice to more comprehensive support for different groups of victims is considered. Ukraine needs to urgently develop the whole spectrum of reparation measures without focusing only on compensation. This publication also explains why more reparations should be provided through a simplified administrative procedure rather than a judicial one, why Ukraine should provide urgent interim reparations as soon as possible, and why the voice of victims and a sensitive gender prism are key at all stages of these processes.Item The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Its Accession to the EU(2023) Petrov, RomanThe Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 posed an existential challenge for Ukraine and the EU. On the one hand, it tested the EU’s resilience and political autonomy. On the other, it called into question the existence and territorial sovereignty of Ukraine—a country deeply committed to EU integration, having already sacrificed part of its territory and the lives of thousands of its citizens for the right to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in 2014. Nevertheless, the EU and its Member States remained reluctant to even acknowledge the prospect of Ukraine’s EU membership.Item Response to COVID-19 in Ukraine: Legal Pragmatism or Constitutional Outbreak?(2020) Petrov, Roman; Bernatskyi, BohdanSince March 2020 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament of Ukraine) joined the global fight against COVID-19. It held several plenary sessions and amended certain legislative acts: Law No. 3219 (providing a simplified procedure to purchase services and works to fight COVID-19, doubled reward for medical workers, regulated IDPs registration procedure, imposed fines for leaving observation, etc.); Law No. 3220 (on taxation policy during the quarantine; amended law "On the protection of the population from infectious diseases" – clarified the terms of self-isolation, observation, specialized hospitals, processing personal data for health protection purpose does not require consent); Law No. 2538 (specified procedure of purchasing and registration of drugs); Law No. 3268 (on the application of foreign medical protocols to treat COVID-19); Law No. 3276 (extended procedural terms and specified online court sittings, except for criminal cases), and other legal bills. Despite eight Ukrainian MPs have confirmed COVID-19 cases, the work of the Parliament of Ukraine has not been halted.Item EU-Ukraine Association Agreement's Effective Implementation into the Legal Order of Ukraine. Challenges and Successes(2019) Petrov, RomanThis article focuses on challenges and successes of the implementation and application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which triggered unprecedented political, economic and legal reforms in Ukraine. This article focuses on the constitutional challenges that have arisen for Ukraine in the course of implementing the Association Agreement into its legal system. Two issues form the core of the paper. The first issue is effective implementation and application of the Association Agreement within the Ukrainian legal order. The second issue is compatibility between the Association Agreement and the Ukrainian Constitution. The latest political and legal developments in Ukraine are analyzed through the prism of effective implementation of the Association Agreement and the rise of pro-European judicial activism in Ukraine. In conclusion it is argued that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement enhanced the adaptability of the national constitutional order to the European integration project and European common values.Item The EU Ukraine Association Agreement and EU Common Values: One or Two Ways Dialogue?(2019) Petrov, RomanThis article analyses the Association Agreement (AA) between the EU and Ukraine. It argues that this agreement constitutes a new legal framework, which has the objective to establish a unique form of political association and economic integration is characterised by three specific features: comprehensiveness, complexity and conditionality, and to promote EU values into legal systems of Ukraine. The article studies substantive and procedural means of promotion and protection of EU values in the AA. The article scrutinises objectives, institutional framework and mechanisms of enhanced conditionality and legislative approximation in the AA. In addition, means to protect EU values (the EU’s response to security conflicts in Ukraine) are discussed.Item Abschuss der MH-17: Stand der internationalen Untersuchungen und beginnender Strafprozess in Den Haag(2020) Koval, DmytroDer Beitrag zeichnet kurz die Geschichte des Absturzes von Flug MH-17 der Malaysia Airlines nach. Das Passagierflugzeug stürzte am 17. Juli 2014 auf dem Weg von Amsterdam nach Kuala Lumpur über der Ostukraine ab, alle 298 Insassen kamen dabei ums Leben. Es werden die wichtigsten Fakten zu den Gründen der Katastrophe vorgestellt sowie die mutmaßlich am Abschuss beteiligten Personen, wie sie durch die Arbeit des Joint Investigation Team (JIT) aus Vertretern von Ermittlungsbehörden in den Niederlanden, der Ukraine, Malaysia, Belgien und Australien ermittelt wurden. Es wird ein Überblick über die juristischen Möglichkeiten gegeben, die Katastrophe des Fluges MH-17 rechtlich zu bewerten. Ebenso werden Schwierigkeiten analysiert, die auf die Vertreter der Anklage während des Strafprozesses vor dem Bezirksgericht Den Haag zukommen könnten.Item Міжнародні договори як частина законодавства України(2020) Антонович, МирославаДо проголошення в 1990 році Декларації про державний суверенітет України наша держава фактично не укладала міжнародних двосторонніх договорів, хоча й мала таке право відповідно до Конституцій УРСР та СРСР. З осені 1991 р. і особливо після референдуму 1 грудня 1991 р. за два роки 1991-1992 Україна уклала 35 міждержавних та 88 міжурядових угод. Нині половина законів, прийнятих Верховною Радою України – це закони про ратифікацію міжнародних договорів.