Civil Society Against Corruption in Ukraine: Pathways to Impact
Bader, Max
Huss, Oksana
Nesterenko, Oksana
Meleshevych, Andriy
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The 2013–2014 Revolution in Ukraine has spurred a boom in civic anti-corruption
initiatives across Ukraine. There is as yet little consolidated understanding of how
effective these initiatives are and what explains variation in effectiveness. Insights
from academic and practitioner literature suggest that factors associated with
success in anti-corruption activism fall under three broad categories: environmental
factors, advocacy strategies of civil society organizations, and their organizational
characteristics. Drawing on a comprehensive study of anti-corruption activism in the
regions of Ukraine, this article asks how these insights relate to anti-corruption activism
in the regions of Ukraine. We find that anti-corruption initiatives generally face two
key dilemmas: insufficient capacity in terms and financial and human resources, and
the absence of a credible base of support. Anti-Corruption organizations that are most
effective tend to be those that convincingly solve either one of these two dilemmas. In
addition, we find that political will among local authorities is an important conducive
factor to the effectiveness of anti-corruption activism. The article also discusses the
implications of our findings for practitioners of international assistance.
corruption, Ukraine, civil society, international assistance, regional anticorruption civil society organizations, article
Civil Society Against Corruption in Ukraine: Pathways to Impact / Max Bader, Oksana Huss, Andriy Meleshevych, Oksana Nesterenko // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. - 2019. - No. 5. - P. 1-35.