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Item The Attitude of Ukraine's Population to Russia and Russia's Population to Ukraine (2008–2020)(2020) Paniotto, VolodymyrThe paper accumulates the results of the joint project of Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) and the Russian center for the study of public opinion "Yuri Levada Analytical Center" (Levada-Center). The project started in 2008. Every three months, KIIS inserts in its omnibus survey the questions about the attitude of Ukrainians towards Russia, and Levada-Center on the attitude of Russians towards Ukraine. In total, 34 surveys were conducted in each country, with samples of about 2,000 Ukrainians and about 1,600 Russians (about 68,000 of Ukrainians and 54,000 of Russians were surveyed during the entire period of the project). The data are representative of the population in each of the countries aged 18 years and above. In Ukraine, after 2014, surveys were conducted only in the territory controlled by the government of Ukraine. The attitude of Ukrainians towards Russia from 2008 to May 2014 can be called unrequited love. During this period, in different years, from 80 % to 90 % of Ukrainians treated Russia positively, and the proportion of Russians who favored Ukraine ranged from 30 % to 70 %. The collapse of the positive attitude of Ukrainians towards Russia began after the annexation of the Crimea and continued after the beginning of the war in the Donbass; by March 2015, only 30 % of Ukrainians had a positive attitude to Russia. However, after the end of the active hostilities, a positive attitude towards Russia was gradually restored, and by February 2020, more than 50 % of Ukrainians had a positive attitude towards Russia. At the same time, the attitude of Russians towards Ukraine after the annexation of the Crimea also worsened. During all the period of observation, Ukrainians treated Russia better than Russians treated Ukraine. Besides the question about the attitude towards Russia as a whole, we also asked separate questions about the attitude to the government of Russia and to the population of Russia.Item Fostering learner agency in Ukrainian innovative schools: prioritizing factors of innovative learning environment(2023) Humeniuk, VictoriaThe objective of this article is to present and deliberate upon the initial phase of research outcomes obtained from an online survey involving 22 founders/directors of private innovative and alternative schools in Ukraine. By employing a scaling instrument research participants evaluated the importance of innovative learning environment (ILE) factors. The outcomes of this assessment serve a dual purpose: they elucidate the precedence of innovative endeavors aligned with a strong learner agency development and provide methodological guidance for subsequent in-depth interviews. The research has yielded three key findings. Firstly, a common understanding of the peculiarities of a learning process among the professionals, who work with the learners in school, supersedes structural elements, emphasizing cultural values. Secondly, the exploration of learner identity emerges as a critical facet. This finding accentuates the indispensable need to accompany learners through identity exploration and regular self-reflection in order to empower subjectivity within the learning process. Lastly, the research underscores the multidimensional nature of crucial ILE factors, implying an effective learning process with a strong learner agency as one of its results should not be misconstrued as synonymous with teaching. Yet, the pivotal role of teachers and their professional readiness to be the "conductors" of innovative learning experiences remains paramount, as vividly evidenced by the prioritization.Item Interaction Patterns of University Alumni: the Case of NaUKMA(2019) Stetsenko, Oryna; Kostiuchenko, TetianaThe paper suggests a research design for the exploration of the community of university alumni.The main research focuses on the personal networks of three types of alumni, specifically those who are actively involved in their alma mater activities after graduation, those who become faculty and staff in the university, and those who remain inactive and occasionally visit the alumni events. In addition, we raise the question about the network effect of the ties established during studying in the decision of alumni to stay in the university or to remain closely involved in its life. The survey design is based on the personal network approach with the use of the adapted name generator and interpreterItem Linking social stress, health and social behavior through the lens of evolution(2022) Maltseva, KaterynaStress has been systematically shown to affect health. Social life introduces additional sources of stress, and social stressors emerge as a particular kind of stressors. Living in groups and embedded into their social networks, humans live a complex life based on regular social interactions, elaborate cultural routines and mental life rooted in intersubjectivity, capacity for social learning and affiliative needs. Social Safety Theory and life history orientation approach use this ground to develop an evolutionary-based perspective on life stress and health. While life history orientation framework is already well established in social epidemiology, medical anthropology and sociology, Social Safety Theory is a novel approach building on the psychological ability embedded in human sociality to form and maintain lasting social bonds. It hypothesizes that threats to social safety are a critical feature of psychological stressors that increase risk for disease. By doing so it provides a link between social behavior, psychosocial stress and human health when considered in the light of evolution. Life history orientation approach stems from the evolutionary premises and expands its biologically-grounded reasoning into the realm of psychology as well as health sciences. Among other things, it contributes to sociological frameworks linking the effects of childhood adversity to patterns of disease and social behavior in adult life. Both these frameworks provide important conceptual junctures for the researchers of stress, health and social behavior by developing explanations of different avenues by which our social ecologies affect biological risks.Item Organizational adaptation to a disruption caused by the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine(2023) Serdyuk, ArtemThere is a vast body of knowledge on the social impact of disasters, but most published research concerns natural disasters with a devastating but momentary impact. However, very little attention is given to social disruptions caused by war, such as the situation in Ukraine after the full-scale russian* invasion. Our research aims to understand the nature of disruptions in the work of Ukrainian commercial and noncommercial organizations caused by the full-scale russian invasion and to explore the adaptation mechanisms used to cope with it. For this purpose, we have conducted a qualitative investigation of 22 Ukrainian organizations and have used the typology of organized reactions developed by The Disaster Research Center to classify their responses.Item Social determinants of health of Ukrainian female refugees in the Czech Republic(2023) Mazhak, IrynaThe main aim of the study was to investigate the social determinants of health in the Ukrainian female refugee sample in the Czech Republic. The results showed that some determinants of health like financial difficulties and socioeconomic status decline during forced migration, inaccessibility of healthcare services, health deterioration, the presence of chronic diseases, limitation in daily activity due to ill health, experienced discrimination in host country, lack of a person to share personal feelings and issues were significantly associated with poor self-reported physical health status.Item Successes and challenges of ATO/JFO veterans’ involvement in the public and political life of Ukraine(2022) Martsenyuk, Tamara; Kvit, AnnaThis article presents qualitative results of a large sociological study "Involvement of veterans in the public and political life: from military victories to personal engagements" (2019). 22 in-depth interviews with ATO/JFO veterans, 20 expert interviews, and 4 focus groups in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, and Kramatorsk were analyzed to explain legal aspects of veterans’ situation, to characterize ATO/JFO veteran organizations and conceptualize motivation of veterans to engage in public and political activity. Possibilities for veterans to return to a peaceful life after the war in Donbas are defined through political, employment, education, and creative opportunities in Ukraine. Internal and external challenges of the veteran movement activities are identified.Item Using free-listing technique to develop measures of group consensus: the case of language choice in Ukraine(2022) Kuchynskyi, OleksandrFree-listing is a useful qualitative technique suitable for exploring how groups of individuals think about a cultural domain and define its focal features. This tool is also well-adapted for identifying shared collective priorities which makes free-listing a helpful tool for ethnographers and students of culture who are often lacking this important information at the beginning of the project or have no fast way of acquiring it by other ethnographic means. One of its advantages includes its ability to elicit emic categories in the data at the early stages of fieldwork, thus securing the data quality in addition to its richness. The present study (N = 1253) conducted in January 2021 is part of a larger project merging cultural characteristics and electoral behavior. The data fragment presented in the paper showcases the utility of a free-listing technique for studying consensual beliefs relevant to language-based cultural identity in a sample of Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking Ukrainians. The study this data was collected for explores whether the territorial cleavage in electoral behavior and language divide as a part of it (Russian vs. Ukrainian) in Ukraine signal consistent differences in underlying shared collective beliefs about success and prestige. The preliminary analysis of free-listed items and emerging categories suggests that there are no substantial differences between the language-based groups regarding the beliefs about success and prestige that lie outside the territorial cleavage whereas substantial differences were identified within cleavage-related categories.Item Values, norms, and social cognition(2018) Maltseva, KaterynaIn this article I focus mainly on two concepts – values and norms – specifically examining their roles in social cognition. It is a humble effort contributing to a much larger task of understanding their nature and dynamics, the behavior and mental states they generate in groups and individual agents, the intersubjectivity they depend on for effective functioning, and the way they change or sometimes disappear. In the discussion I draw on evidence from several intellectual traditions and their respective methods, including social psychology, sociobiology, evolutionary anthropology, experimental economics, evolutionary psychology, to name just a few. I emphasize the importance of providing an integrated account of what values do and how social norms emerge, why and when we follow them, and the conditions under which we are most likely to focus on relevant cultural normative and axiological ideations. I further examine the existence and evolution of social normativity and its role in the collective welfare.Item Агентне моделювання політики перерозподілу доходів(2019) Пугачова, ОленаУ статті проаналізовано результати агентного моделювання впливу податкової і трансферної політики на соціальну структуру суспільства. За допомогою комп’ютерних експериментів перевірено різні податкові режими. Показано, що модель пошуку ренти змінює соціальну структуру та обмежує економічний потенціал суспільства через придушення економічно активної частини середнього класу. У статті також привернуто увагу до агентного моделювання як інструментарію дослідження динаміки поведінки складних систем.Item Вплив соціальної нерівності на здоров’я українського населення (за даними масиву European Social Survey, 2012)(2019) Мазай, Дар'я; Мальцева, КатеринаВ основу статті покладено аналіз впливу соціальної нерівності на здоров’я українського населення віком 18–65 років на базі масиву даних European Social Survey 2012 року (N = 2178) з використанням статистичного пакета SPSS. Авторські знахідки узгоджуються з тенденціями, що реєструються в попередніх дослідженнях нерівності у здоров’ї. Зокрема, демонструється, що суб’єктивний стан здоров’я індивідів з повною базовою освітою є кращим, ніж у людей з повною середньою освітою; наймані працівники мають гірший суб’єктивний стан здоров’я, ніж ті, хто має власний бізнес; люди, які задоволені власними доходами, мають кращий стан здоров’я, ніж ті, хто зовсім незадоволений власними доходами; найвпливовішим предиктором суб’єктивного стану здоров’я є вік.Item Громадська думка щодо гендерних квот та жінок у політиці в Україні(2019) Марценюк, Тамара; Оксамитна, СвітланаГендерну рівність в українському суспільстві загалом і політичній сфері зокрема розглянуто в контексті міжнародних порівняльних даних і міжнародних зобов’язань України. У статті проаналізовано ставлення українців до кількості жінок серед депутатів Верховної Ради, беручи до уваги стать, вік, місце проживання, рівень освіти респондентів. Гендерні квоти охарактеризовано як механізм збільшення кількості жінок у політиці. З’ясовано громадську думку щодо запровадження гендерних квот в Україні; виявлено проблематику державної і партійної підтримки цієї складової гендерної політики. На основі соціологічних даних Київського міжнародного інституту соціології (КМІС) вивчено динаміку ставлення дорослого населення України до застосування гендерних квот у списках політичних партій протягом 2005–2018 рр.Item Конструювання та відтворення значень про огороджені спільноти Києва в рекламному дискурсі(2019) Дрямов, Роман; Рябчук, АнастасіяУ статті розглянуто соціальний феномен огороджених спільнот Києва – житлових комплексів, що мають огороджену територію поряд із будинком та практикують пропускний режим, який перешкоджає вільному доступу. За допомогою контент-аналізу рекламно-інформаційних матеріалів запропоновано категоризацію цих спільнот за типом житлового комплексу. Обґрунтовано широке визначення огороджених спільнот як практики житлової забудови, що поширюється і розвивається в сучасному Києві на фоні глобалізаційних перетворень міста (джентрифікації, комерціалізації публічних просторів, кризи міського планування) в умовах відчутних соціальних проблем (браку соціальних послуг, незадовільного екологічного стану, рівня надання комунальних послуг та рівня безпеки).Item Соціальний стрес та превалюючі стресори серед студентів бакалаврату НаУКМА(2019) Крупа, Вікторія; Мальцева, КатеринаСоціальний стрес є складовою соціального життя і похідною від комплексних систематичних взаємин у групі. Стрес стає дедалі глобальнішою проблемою особливо серед студентів і негативно позначається саме на їхньому житті та здоров’ї. В основу цієї публікації покладено кількісне дослідження, проведене серед студентів (N = 100) усіх спеціальностей бакалаврату НаУКМА шляхом анкетування. Опитування комбінувало запитання відкритого і закритого форматів і збирало інформацію про найбільш стресові сфери життя (у формі самозвітів).