Кафедра "Києво-Могилянська школа врядування імені Андрія Мелешевича"
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Item Adaptive Response Methodology For Sustainable Energy Systems Of The National Economy In The Security Dimension(2024) Kharazishvili, Yurii; Sukhodolia, Oleksandr; Riabtsev, Gennadii; Kalinin, Oleksandr; Us, Galyna; Lunov, YevhenThis article presents a methodology that combines expert assessments and mathematical calculations to quantify the impact of both external and internal threats on the energy security level of a state. The approach utilizes an energy security model to assess the overall impact of changes in integrated index components. Adaptive control methods are employed to decompose integrated indices and security indicators. The methodology incorporates indicators that determine safe existence limits within security gradations and uses normalization techniques and dynamic weighting coefficients. It also formalizes the impact of threats on the integral index, constructs a new trajectory for goal achievement, and decomposes the dynamics into components and energy security indicators. The developed methodology aids in formulating management decisions to mitigate and eliminate threats to energy security, ensuring adaptability within the energy system and maintaining a trajectory of sustainable development. This can be applied at various levels, from local to national, through the Energy Sustainability Plan of the Country.Item Changes in the Political Discourse of Eastern European Countries in the Context of the Migration Crisis and Combating Human Rights Violation(2024) Durdynets, Myroslav; Poda, Tetiana; Kostetska, Lidiia; Svoboda, Ivo; Strelchenko, InnaThe aim of the study is the analysis of changes in political discourse in the Eastern European countries during the migration crisis and its impact on political decisions. A mixed approach, combining graphic methods, comparative methods, sociological method and content analysis of studies and political texts, was used. The results of the study indicate significant changes in the political discourse during the migration crisis, which are characterized by the formulation of migration as a security threat, the prioritization of national identity, and the rise of populism. The political leaders‘ favour of anti-immigration sentiments reflects the influence of public opinion on policy decisions, while the media have played a key role in strengthening the securitized discourse. The study determines the impact of these changes in discourse on policy decisions, including the adoption of restrictive immigration measures and their consequences for European integration, democratic values, socio-cultural dynamics, and security.Item Cross-Border Cooperation in the Context of the Movement to the "Blue Ocean" (Challenges for Ukraine)(2020) Mykolaichuk, Mykola; Malysh, NataliiaThe purpose of the study is substantiating the theoretical and methodological aspects for cross-border cooperation between countries on the eastern borders EU with Ukraine, as a tool for moving to the “blue ocean” of market space. For achieving the researches’ goal, a methodology, which based on the comparison of the results of the sustainable development conditions of the border areas of neighbouring countries had been using. This approach, according to the authors, will help identify problems in the development of these areas and identify tasks to overcome them. On the example of development forecasting of Ukraine’s’ regions, the practical approach for the primary levers determining of influence on the factors of change in the conditions of development of border areas had been illustrating. The obtained results and the developed conclusions and proposals will contribute to the provision of adequate public administration for balanced and sustainable territories development.Item Democratic control of the defence sector in Ukraine(2023) Poshedin, OlehUkraine has declared membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as its goal. One of the prerequisites for joining both organizations is the stability of institutions that guarantee, among other things, democracy and the rule of law. For Ukraine, exercising effective democratic control is a crucial issue of civil-military relations. The article analyzes individual words, phrases, and terms defining democratic control of the security and defence sector. Due to the method of synthesis, the elaborated material is generalized. The article’s results are also based on the author’s experience in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and cooperation with foreign advisers who provided advisory assistance to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. The article considers democratic control as a problem of democratic governance of the defence sector. It is concluded that democratic defence governance allows for responsive, transparent decision-making, policy development, and policy implementation in a manner, which reinforces democratic control.Item Developing the critical infrastructure protection system in Ukraine: monograph(NISS, 2017) Kondratov, Sergiy; Bobro, Dmytro; Horbulin, Volodymyr; Sukhodolia, Oleksandr; Ivaniuta, Serhii; Nasvit, Oleh; Biriukov, Dmytro; Riabtsev, GenadiyThis publication presents a multiyear work of experts and scholars from the National Institute for Strategic Studies (Energy Security and Technogenic Safety field of research) on implementing in Ukraine the best world policies and practices in the field of critical infrastructure protection. The publication summarizes these efforts and presents legislative and conceptual documents, analytical and review articles addressing the issues of introduction of the critical infrastructure protection concept in Ukraine. It is the first collection in English showing both the status of progress achieved and problems to be resolved by Ukraine to ensure the level of critical infrastructure protection and resilience adequate to contemporary challenges and threats. The publication is intended for foreign partners cooperating with Ukraine in the fields of national security, critical infrastructure protection, crisis management, etc. It also will be of use for representatives of Ukrainian public authorities, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, state and private companies, scholars, experts and all of those who interested in the topic of critical infrastructure protection and resilience and related issues.Item Dialogue for peace: the production of knowledge and norms between international practices and local ownership in Ukraine(2024) Kyselova, Tetiana; Axyonova, VeraThis article scrutinises an attempt by Ukrainian dialogue practitioners to produce a set of norms guiding the conduct and funding of dialogue initiatives as a means of peacebuilding in post-2014 Ukraine. Drawing on critical constructivist approaches to the study of norm creation and transfer, the article uncovers the interplay between local and international actors behind this attempt, traces the processes of knowledge and norm production, and examines the extent to which the norms advocated for by dialogue practitioners were appropriated by the affected stakeholders. The study challenges the conception of local actors as receivers of internationally promoted norms and showcases the agency of Ukrainian dialogue practitioners in norm initiation. Simultaneously, it nuances the complex interconnectedness between the multiplicity of domestic and international actors involved in this process and thus adds to the literature questioning the oversimplification embedded in the dichotomy of the local vs. the international in peace research.Item Dilemmas and trade-offs in peacemaking: A framework for navigating difficult decisions(2019) Kraus, Anne Isabel; Frazer, Owen; Kirchhoff, Lars; Kyselova, Tatiana; Mason, Simon J. A.; Palmiano Federer, JuliaThis article focuses on the dilemmas and trade-offs that third parties face when mediating violent political conflicts. Should they ignore human rights violations because pushing the issue could jeopardize relationships with political actors who grant access for humanitarian aid? Will bringing moderates and hardliners together help the peace process or radicalize moderate actors? What should dialogue facilitators do when the act of identifying non-mainstream groups to be included into dialogue increases division and polarization? The activity of peacemaking is inherently characterized by such process and strategy dilemmas where two equally compulsory imperatives seem not to be attainable at the same time. The article proposes a framework to break out of either-or thinking in these situations. We argue that: 1) making oneself aware of how a decision is perceived, and 2) systematically exploring a set of different strategies for creating new unexpected options helps to ease these decisions and avoid rotten compromises. The model reworks and combines existing problem solving strategies to create a new explorative option generation approach to peacemaking dilemmas and trade-offs. Some of these strategies, such as sequencing and incrementalization, are already well-established in peacemaking. Others, such as compartmentalization and utilization, are rather unconsciously used. All identified strategies, however, are not yet systematically employed to manage third parties' own dilemmas and trade-offs. Under the suggested framework, these strategies can act in complement to synthesize creativity and strategic thinking with surprising ease. Using examples from the authors' peacemaking activities and observations in Myanmar, Thailand, and Ukraine, the article demonstrates the real-world benefits of the framework in terms of decision assessment and optional thinking.Item Distance learning in Ukraine in COVID-19 emergency(Routledge, 2021) Shevchenko, Viktoriya; Malysh, Nataliia; Tkachuk-Miroshnychenko, OlenaThe global outbreak of COVID-19, subsequent lockdown of universities, and suspension of on-campus learning have caught many higher educational institutions off-guard, challenging their ability to adapt to a new delivery system. Distance learning has come under the spotlight as the only option to avoid the disruption of the teaching-learning process irreversibly. The present study outlines the problems facing Ukrainian universities after the quarantine imposition due to the COVID-19 emergency. The research reveals that the emergency transition of Ukrainian universities to distance learning has not been smooth; both professor-tutors and students have been put at an unfair disadvantage. Additionally, the study intends to analyse the specifics of distance learning in the system of higher education of Ukraine in the emergency and activities of Ukrainian universities concerning the problems of transition to distance learning and utilisation of educational online platforms. An internet survey was conducted among Ukrainian university professor-tutors and students to explore the changes to the teaching-learning process under the COVID-19 emergency quarantine. Interviews with senior officials of leading Ukrainian universities were held to explore how they addressed the issue of the disruption of the education process due to the COVID-19 quarantine.Item Education in Government Communications: Case of Ukraine(2021) Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya; Riabtsev, Gennadii; Tertychka, ValeriiThe article highlights building prerequisites that help to tackle problems related to the insufficient government communications and poor information provided to potential audiences in participatory democracies. The analysis has shown that many counties face the lack of strategic communications (both horizontal and vertical) and thus, create concerns about misunderstanding and bottlenecks in design and implementation of public policies. This problem expands when countries undergo rapid, systemic, fundamental changes, in particular due to the energy transition. Ukraine is not an exemption. Lack of real competition between MPA programs, pre-service and in-service training programs for public servants in Ukraine and poor quality of programs leave a niche for educational institutions to take the leading position. Hence, Kyiv Mohyla School of Governance (hereinafter – KMSGov) launched very specific and need oriented MPA program in Government Communications. The program was designed in close cooperation with Ukrainian public authorities and become client oriented. The program is innovative and one of a kind due to its integrity and consistency. It is student-centered and widely uses case studies, simulations and PBL techniques. In addition, the program consists of logically interconnected courses, which complement each other and provide broad pattern of particularities of evidence-based public policy design and implementation, public administration and management theory and practice, modern features of government communications and policy advocacy. Due to COVID restrictions and worldwide lockdown the Government Communication MPA program provided by KMSGov was fully transferred into on-line format without losing its quality. It became possible due modern information and communication technologies (tested in February-July 2020). The paper provides brief overview and main results of the analysis of the existing MPA programs and key particularities of the newly launched program.Item Energy sector transparency evaluation: case of Ukraine(NISPAcee Press, 2024) Riabtsev, HennadiiThe purpose of the study is to develop a policy tool – Energy Transparency Index – that allows monitoring and evaluation of energy sector transparency. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: enabling an in-depth analysis with a breakdown into categories, markets, and specific indicators; tracking changes both in time and in comparison with other countries; using only open sources for analysis; focusing on the energy sector performance along the value chain "producer-consumer". The methodology of the Index applies the statistical method of multidimensional weighted average, applied to assess complex objects. This methodology is based on the calculation of the average value of about 230 transparency indicators grouped into eight categories. It implies scores for five energy markets, as well as scores by sectoral categories – Balances, Natural monopolies, Supply, Reliability and security, and Consumption. Also, it implies scores by cross-sectoral categories – Reporting, Policy, and Public authorities – that relate to the whole sector. The score of every transparency indicator is calculated using a formula based on expert assessments of availability, accessibility, relevance, frequency, usability, and completeness. All calculated scores are converted into a 100-point scale. According to the assessment made in 2021, Ukraine’s final score – 63 out of 100 – indicates medium transparency in the sector. According to the 2022 assessment, Ukraine’s final score is 39 out of 100, the lowest in the last five years. The war and the introduction of martial law caused a sharp drop in the information openness of the sector – the indicator fell by 24 points. Despite this, the Index still helps consumers rationalize their economic behavior in the market. The Index is helpful to companies and potential investors seeking an open, competitive environment, a better relationship with the government and communities, and reducing business risks. The Index is helping public authorities improve their transparency and related regulations. Foreign partners get a deeper understanding of Ukraine’s energy policy and markets. In the future, it will be necessary to solve the following problems: determining the optimal number of experts to evaluate indicators; comparing energy sector transparency in different countries; and testing the reliability of the methodology in other sectors of the economy.Item Entrepreneurship in the Era of the Digital Economy. Neuroeconomic Aspect(2023) Lytvyn, Lyubov; Hryhoruk, Anatoliy; Orlova, Viktoriia; Shcherbych, Volodymyr; Serhieieva, Olena; Riabtsev, GennadiiTotal technologization inherent in the present encourages economic units, and especially enterprises, to adapt to the requirements of the era of the digital economy. In order to achieve the main goal of activity, entrepreneurs need to make decisions, applying not only generally accepted economic knowledge, but also take into account the emotional state, values and ethical preferences of their consumers. The issue of synergistic application of digital capabilities and scientific achievements in brain research and their adaptation to the economic sphere in business activities is becoming relevant. The purpose of the study is the analysis of entrepreneurial activity in the era of the digital economy in the aspect of neuroeconomic development. A high technical and intellectual level in the era of the digital economy requires entrepreneurs to be constantly up-to-date. An interdisciplinary approach is becoming more effective in training entrepreneurs, which includes not only economic and digital sciences, but also psychology and neurophysiology, which allows expanding the methodology and deepening knowledge about a person. The study of the influence of brain activity on the emotional mood and preferences of consumers has modified standard marketing approaches. The synthesis of marketing science with neurophysiology expands the opportunities of entrepreneurs to study customer preferences and improve their products. Synthesizing the economic meaning of enterprise activity and the way to achieve this meaning led to the digitalization of business activity. Innovative solutions of enterprise activity and the use of digital technologies are the key factors in the development of contemporary enterprises.Item How to Integrate Dialogue into the Processes of Transitional Justice in Ukraine(2020) Brunova-Kalisetska, Iryna; Kyselova, Tatiana; Martynenko, OlegRecently, several attempts to organize national dialogue platforms on various topics have been made, yet none of them has been fully implemented. We hear more and more that Ukraine "needs national dialogue". However, a clear understanding of the process and principles of professionally facilitated dialogue in the context of safe reintegration is lacking at the official level as well as among experts' circles. Documents on transitional justice being drafted in Ukraine also do not properly integrate the dialogue approach. Thus, the processes of development of the national transitional justice model and dialogues on different levels of Ukrainian society require greater synergy.Item The influence of the decommunization policy on the formation of Ukrainian national identity(2023) Poshedin, Oleh; Kashchuk, KaterynaThe article examined the impact of the decommunization policy in Ukraine on national identity formation. The objectives of the article were to determine the main reasons and consequences of decommunization in Ukraine. A historical approach to determine the causes of decommunization and justify its necessity is applied in the article. Sociological studies and expert opinions on decommunization are analyzed. Based on synthesis, analogy, and abstraction methods, the elaborated material is summarised, and the article’s conclusions are formulated. As a result, the conclusion has been drawn that decommunization could not contribute to the formation of national identity in Ukraine. The outcomes of decommunization had a positive effect only in combination with other efforts (educational process, dialogue with society, language policy). However, given Ukraine’s regional characteristics, it took time to unite the population around a shared historical memory, common symbols, and traditions. The policy of decommunization primarily contributed to the strengthening of regional identity. Moreover, improving the material well-being of Ukrainians and creating favorable conditions for living and working in Ukraine will unite the residents of all regions of Ukraine. These actions will significantly enhance the effect of decommunization in forming national identity.Item Mapping Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Ukraine : Peacebuilding by Any Other Name(2019) Kyselova, TatianaThis report was prepared by the Mediation and Dialogue Research Center, Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine at the request of the Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI), Geneva, as part of its Impact Local Peace project (2018-2019). The purpose of the mapping was to provide contextual knowledge and form a basis for reflection and exchange with local partners and stakeholders.Item Membrane distillation instead of evaporation for concentration of fruit juices(2008) Shapar, O.; Ryabtsev, GennadyThe problems of steady development of economy have been in the center of attention in many countries including Ukraine. The solution to this question is related to active introduction of molecular and nanotechnology in the industry. They must replace outdated powerful and ecologically dangerous productions developed in Ukraine in Soviet time, and make our country one of the leaders in the world division of labor. Membrane distillation belongs to such advanced technologies.Item Monitoring and evaluation in the field of health care in the system of local self-government(2023) Korobchynska, Nataliia; Khaletska, AlinaThe process of managing the health care system at the level of local self-government bodies should include monitoring and evaluation of the health care system. Digital technologies expand the possibilities of effective monitoring and evaluation in the field of health care. At the level of local self-government bodies of the Vinnytsia urban territorial community (Ukraine), a system of monitoring and evaluation of the health care system using digital technologies has been developed, implemented and used. This system of monitoring and evaluation using digital technologies makes it possible to assess the needs of the population of a defined territory in the field of health care, helps local self-government managers to evaluate the results and performance indicators of the health care system, to forecast the results of the implementation of certain local programs and measures, determine their economic efficiency and expediency. The experience of using the monitoring and evaluation system of the health care system by the local self-government bodies of the Vinnytsia urban territorial community with the use of digital technologies has confirmed the effectiveness of the management and effectiveness of the proposed monitoring and evaluation system both in normal conditions and in conditions of new challenges and problems: the COVID-19 pandemic and military aggression against Ukraine.Item Pervaporation separation of homogeneous liquid systems(1997) Ryabtsev, Gennady; Lukach, Yu.; Mikulenok, I.Use of membrane methods of separation makes it possible to solve many problems of rational utilization of natural resources and environmental preservation, for example, problems involving separation of homogeneous liquid mixtures, including the treatment of industrial waste water.Item Policy-making in post-war recovery: procedures of stakeholder analysis vs/or "quick solutions"(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2024) Tertychka, ValeriyPolicy analysis cycle: standardization and application practice. The policy analysis cycle is regulated by the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers and other NPAs. Stakeholder analysis: normalization, training and implementation. Why are stakeholder analysis procedures approved but not fully implemented in direct practice? What hinders and prevents the implementation of innovations? For the practice of Ukraine’s integration into the EU, the implementation of stakeholder analysis procedures in the practice of government is important. This paradoxical situation is related to the “simplification” of policy analysis in general and stakeholder analysis in particular. In practice, this is manifested in: “playing in the procedure of policy makers” for the sake of populism and "unprofessionalism" of performers. That is, the situation is unfortunately getting worse… In the conditions of the post-war reconstruction of the country – will the policy-making procedures be followed or will there be "quick decisions"?Item PsycheaEXPERTUS: діджиталізація – шлях формування ефективного експертного середовища(2019) Сапєгін, Сергій; Рябцев, ГеннадійМатеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Економічна аналітика: сучасні реалії та прогностичні можливості", 19 квітня 2019 рокуItem Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries : post-conference monograph(Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія", 2023) Kiliyevich, Olexandr; Tertychka, Valeriy; Riabtsev, Gennadii; Shpektorenko, Ihor; Malysh, Nataliia; Kotulski, Mariusz; Kotulska, Joanna; Korobchynska, Nataliia; Burksiene, Valentina; Kazdailiene, Beatrice; Niżnik-Dobosz, Iwona; Khaletska, Alina; Mazur, Anna; Ilchenko-Syuyva, Lesya; Pyrzyk, Aleksander; Romanchenko, Vitaliy; Didenko, Nina; Kuvshynova, Evgeniya; Gnatkiv, VasylThe International scientific and practical conference "Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries" is annually organized and held by the Andriy Meleshevych Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla University (Ukraine), Department of Administrative Law of Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland), Department Local Government Law of Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland), Department of Public Administration Management of Babes Bolyai University (Romania), and Department of Public Administration and Political Sciences of Klaipeda University (Lithuania). The main aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussion of the urgent issues of public governance, evidence-based public policy-making, and government communications under the conditions of new challenges in the EU member states and candidate states, issues urged in Ukraine in the war period and post-war recovery, and to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of state and local government bodies and implementation of principles of good governance and democratic values. The papers published in this post-conference monograph cover the scientific studies, carried out in 2023 and relating to issues of sustainable development goals and public policies, digitalization and artificial intelligence in public governance and communication, regional aspects of public governance, governance during war and post war recovery. Papers are presented in the languages of the conference – Ukrainian and English.