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Item Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union Law: An Area of Important Interaction and Dialogue for Stronger Human Rights Protection in Europe(2020) Pushkar, PavloAn overlap in the activities of the Council of Europe and the EU as regards the protection of human rights leads to cross-fertilisation of both systems. Commitment to human rights and the Convention is notably manifested in the on-going dialogue on accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights. Ideally, interaction between the Council of Europe and the European Union should lead to construction of a uniform human rights constitutional legal space, built on the same principles of compliance with the rule of law and human rights, a destination that still remains on the horizon. The process of execution of judgments of the Strasbourg Court, which is a forward looking technical and non-political process, with potential political consequences, results in the transformation of the legal systems of the Council of Europe member states and thus assists them in bringing their legal systems closer to being compatible with the EU accession process. Thus, the strategic aim of the European integration and EU accession should be aligned with the Strasbourg judgment’s implementation process, success in execution of judgments equalling to success in attainment of the Copenhagen accession criteria.Item Cases of the European Court of Human Rights significant for European integration of Ukraine: "Maidan judgments" concerning Ukraine, of 21 January 2021 (final on 21 April 2021)(2021) Pushkar, PavloThe present case commentary is focused on cases concerning the so-called Maidan events of 2013-2014. The commentary suggests that the cases at issue underline existence of the long-standing systemic and structural problems within the domestic legal system of Ukraine, which need to be resolved, notably in order to harmonise the legislative and institutional framework of protection of human rights with the requirements of the European human rights law, which incorporates both the European Convention of Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The cases touch upon a number of previously deficient legislative provisions and institutional practices. However, most importantly they underline the need to adopt legislation to regulate and ensure protection of freedom of association. Such demand is clearly ensuing from the case-law of the Court and its findings in specific cases as to the lack of coherent legislative framework for this right. The extensive Council of Europe expertise in the area covered by the judgments is surely of reference to the implementation measures – the CPT standards, Venice Commission recommendations, other elements, as well as the findings of the International Advisory Panel are all of relevance. Change is needed urgently as the problems identified in the judgments of the Court clearly fall within the rule of law and justice cooperation aspects of interaction not only with the Council of Europe, but also with the European Union, under the Association Agreement with Ukraine.Item Cases of the European Court of Human Rights Significant for European Integration of Ukraine: Levchuk v. Ukraine, Judgment of 3 September 2020 (Final on 3 December 2020) : Case Commentary(2020) Pushkar, PavloOn 3 December 2020, the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Levchuk concerning the issues of domestic violence became final and binding for Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities have an obligation now, under Article 46 of the Convention, to undertake measures with a view to ensuring restitutio in integrum in this case. They also have an obligation to ensure cessation of a breach, on the assumption it is of continuous nature, making sure that similar breaches of the Convention no longer repeat. It could be a challenging task not only for the Ukrainian judiciary but also for the entire legal system of Ukraine.Item The compliance of facial processing in France with the article 9 paragraph 2 (a) (g) of (EU) General data protection regulation(2023) Bulgakova, Daria; Bulgakova, ValentynaThe legal identity of individuals is critical in digital ecosystems, and biometric systems play a vital role in verifying identities throughout their lives. However, these systems also pose significant risks and require responsible use. The European Union has established a digital strategy to create a trusted and secure digital identity, setting a global standard for technological development in identification. In line with the General Data Protection Regulation Article 9(1), member countries must justify any exceptions to the rule provided. France has taken a leading role in using unique identification legally, implementing digitally processed attributes such as facial recognition through the Alicem application on smartphones to identify individuals in a digital environment, and improving e-services uniquely. Specifically, the article analyses the General Data Protection Regulation Article 9, paragraph 1, and the exceptional conditions outlined in paragraph 2 (a) (g) along with scrutinized legislation in France of Decree n°2019-452 of 13 May 2019, which authorized the use of unique identification known as "Certified Online Authentication on Mobile". The research recommends that EU member countries taking approaches to introduce GDPR Article 9 into national legislation should consider their citizens’ specific needs and concerns while aligning with the European Union law because it is critical to balance the benefits of biometric systems with the risks posed to personal data protection, ensuring that their responsible use contributes to a secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem.Item Cпособи захисту прав на комерційні позначення: досвід Франції та України(2019) Михайлюк, ГалинаУ статті здійснено аналіз способів захисту прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності з урахуванням створення Вищого суду з питань інтелектуальної власності та переосмислення статусу (зміни обсягу й змісту повноважень) Верховного Суду. Подано концепцію, відповідно до якої застосування прецеденту в правовій діяльності є нагальною потребою, для реалізації якої сформовано правові передумови. Проаналізувавши вітчизняну судову практику, рекомендовано певні напрями вдосконалення правозастосовчих механізмів, серед яких: правовласник або його представник мають враховувати необхідність надання суду доказової бази як підтвердження своїх вимог, а також строки судового провадження та інші обставини, розуміючи, що у вітчизняному законодавстві немає чітко встановлених механізмів доказу реальної шкоди або упущеної вигоди, а також розмірів можливого відшкодування збитків та методики їх нарахування. Запропоновано створити у складі Вищого суду з питань інтелектуальної власності окрему судову палату з розгляду спорів, що виникають у мережі Інтернет, адже кількість порушень у Всесвітній мережі, як свідчить світова практика, щороку стрімко зростає.Item Cтягнення активів у дохід держави в результаті визнання їх необґрунтованими: прихований вид покарання?(2021) Хутор, ТетянаЦя стаття має на меті з’ясувати, чи слід вважати покаранням стягнення активів у дохід держави внаслідок визнання їх необґрунтованими. З огляду на іноземне походження такого правового механізму та те, що досліджуваний вид стягнення був запроваджений в українське законодавство не так давно, використана методологія охоплює як аналіз чинного законодавства та досліджень українських учених, так і напрацювання іноземних науковців та практику Європейського суду з прав людини. Проведений аналіз дав змогу оцінити, наскільки процедура, суворість, природа і цілі стягнення активів у дохід держави внаслідок визнання їх необґрунтованими збігаються з процедурою, суворістю, природою та цілями, характерними для покарання. Отримані результати свідчать про те, що таке стягнення не можна вважати покаранням ні за правом Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод, ні відповідно до національного права, адже, окрім іншого, воно не передбачає доведення чи спростування фактів вчинення будь-якого правопорушення або зв’язку акти- вів з будь-яким правопорушенням і не має на меті кари та запобігання вчиненню інших правопорушень. Зважаючи на засадничий характер досліджуваного питання в контексті його конституційного оскарження та відсутності практики застосування такого стягнення в Україні на момент написання цієї статті, результати дослідження мають як теоретичне, так і практичне значення.Item EU law in non-EU countries: reflections on Ukrainian supreme court's jurisprudence on energy matters(2022) Badanova, IelyzavetaFollowing its accession to the Energy Community Treaty and the conclusion of the association agreement with the EU, Ukraine implemented key EU acquis in energy by way of adoption of primary laws. They incorporate "instruments of EU legal integration," i.e. provisions not required in the EU but included to ensure that the EU law is correctly transposed and applied in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Supreme Court in its recent jurisprudence made conclusions on legal aspects of their application, namely: on the place of EU case-law in the Ukrainian legal system, the value of opinions of the Energy Community Secretariat (ECS) as well as the obligation to conduct consultations with the European Commission and the ECS. While the acceptance of guidance from European institutions on application of EU acquis is commendable, there seems to be room for improvement in the way the Supreme Court applies principles of EU law, in particular related to the functioning of energy markets.Item The Hegemony of a Ruling Party as a Common Element in the Armenian Genocide, the Holodomor and the Holocaust(2023) Antonovych, MyroslavaWith the development of comparative genocide as the second generation of genocide studies over the last decades it became important to examine the Holodomor as a crime of genocide committed by the Communist party of the Soviet Union in comparative perspective with other genocides. In this article, the author offers a comparative analysis of the Holodomor with cases of genocide in the first half of the 20th century – namely, the Armenian genocide of the Ottoman Empire and the Holocaust of Nazi Germany – from the perspective of perpetrators (organizers). The author compares the three genocides as crimes under international law in terms of one of the mental elements of genocide that characterizes each of them, noting the similarities in ruling political parties as organizers of those crimes who exercised the collective intent in each of the case of genocide under analyses. The author argues that hegemony of a ruling party: the Ittihadists, the Communists, and the Nazis which substituted the state organization was a common element in the genocides perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Third Reich. Moreover, in the ongoing Russian genocide against the Ukrainian nation with culmination since 24 February 2022, it is again the ruling party – Yedinaya Rosiya (Single Russia) which is the foundation of Russian totalitarian regime that organized this crime of genocide.Item Human rights and Covid-19 pandemic challenge: what is the ECHR approach?(2021) Yatskevych, IvanThe European Court of Human Rights has already addressed certain issues caused by or connected to COVID-19 pandemic situation and numerous restrictions introduced by states to counteract virus propagation. It is necessary to mention that there are many applications pending judgments or declared inadmissible. Herewith we are going to comment on recently decided cases on the topic of COVID-19 health crisis and human rights protection. Meanwhile, there are more cases expected to be decided as many applications are pending examination by the European Court in Strasbourg.Item Ideological Aggression and International Law: Soviet and Russian Malign Influence within Legal Domains (MILDs)(2020) Fisher, BradThis article offers a trans-disciplinary legal analysis of the evolution of aggression under international law. It asserts Soviet leadership in the establishment of the definition, but notes that some proposed conceptions of the Soviet theory were not officially adopted. This research also analyzes the 2019 work of Doctor Chernichenko of the Russian Federation and his assertion that the Soviet notion of ideological aggression should be resurrected given the unique and propagandistic tendencies of 21st century interstate conflict. Ideological aggression was originally a Soviet proposal first introduced to the United Nations Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression in 1953. This study asserts that any attempt to implement such a concept will be dangerous and particularly damaging to the rule of law, both domestically and internationally. Such a concept will offer practitioners a method to avoid responsibility for international transgression by claiming, inter alia, primacy in the employment of ideological aggression. This concept will also offer justification in the dismantling of coveted principles such as freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Those who employ such tactics do so duplicitously; simultaneously cherishing and subverting the international norms and principles that the greater international community holds dear. Finally, it will offer the practitioners of Malign Legal Operations, also known colloquially as lawfare, yet another instrument with which they may contain and exploit competitors under the auspices of international law. This amounts to Malign Influence within Legal Domains (MILDs), which is the ultimate form of asymmetry. The motives behind such a proposal to resurrect ideological aggression must be dually understood before any discourse surrounding ideological aggression may proceed in a serious manner.Item The Minsk Trap. Moscow’s perversion of the conflict arbitration process in Ukraine(2019) Volkova, NadiaThis article is a multidisciplinary analysis of the Russian Federation’s exploitation of legal systems, both international and domestic, to pervert arbitration efforts in Ukraine. This short study seeks to address challenges in moving forward with future mediation efforts and asserts that the Russian Federation exploits Minsk II to contain and subdue Ukraine. Simultaneously, Russia overtly disassociates itself with its manufactured conflict in Donbas while covertly maintaining a violent stalemate in the region. It deceptively supports these arbitration efforts to satisfy international stakeholders, but has weaponized the process to achieve impunity in pursuit of greater geopolitical objectives and violations of Ukrainian sovereignty. This article offers an overview of the emerging concept of Malign Legal Operations, a notion which is colloquially known as lawfare. It highlights the Russian Federation’s use of this strategy to achieve impunity within a revisionist approach to the rule of law. Furthermore, it summarizes peacebuilding efforts in the Russo-Ukrainian war from the perspective of malign legal operations and assess Minsk II to be a trap used to reduce violence in the region on the Kremlin’s terms by creating a "frozen conflict" in the likeness of South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. This article asserts that the Ukrainian law "On Special Self-Governance Procedure in Separate Regions of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts" is, de facto, the legal implementation of the Minsk Agreement without the accord being referenced by-name in the law. This fact, inter alia, serves Moscow by legally containing Ukraine and forcing a situation whereby the Kremlin’s objectives are pursued by Ukraine’s genuine and sincere desire to bring about peace in a conflict that was manufactured by the Russian Federation.Item Onstruing national and ethnic groups under the Genocide Convention through Soviet and Russian narratives on the Ukrainian identities(2024) Vishchyk, MaksymDebates on the genocidal nature of Russian atrocities in Ukraine have uncovered various grey zones of the law on genocide. While most contemporary commentaries have focused on the essence and scope of the crime’s central element – the intent to destroy the group in whole or in part – little analysis has been dedicated to defining and understanding the alleged object of the destruction, i.e., protected groups themselves. Even beyond the Ukrainian context, this problem is endemic to contemporary doctrine and jurisprudence, providing a rather cursory or even contradictory analysis of the notions of protected groups seemingly without recourse to other fields studying human identities, such as anthropology. This article aims to address this lacuna by exploring the dichotomy between national and ethnic groups under the Genocide Convention through Soviet and Russian identity narratives. The article summarises the state of contemporary law and jurisprudence relevant to the definition of the protected groups, as well as associated gaps and inconsistencies. It further addresses challenging issues of the groups’ definition and delimitation through the lenses of modern anthropology, where the law is silent. The article stresses the importance of multidisciplinary and contextualised application of the legal concepts under the law of genocide in light of the meaning ascribed to them by other fields of study focusing on group identities and inter-group dynamics. Finally, the article applies relevant findings to the context of Soviet and further Russian narratives on the Ukrainian identities, illustrating the dichotomy between national and ethnic groups.Item The origins of "lawfare" and the exploitation of public international law(2023) Fisher, BradThis paper offers a transdisciplinary analysis of the abuse of public international law for geopolitical objectives, providing an analysis of the term lawfare, the only previously accepted term to describe this behavior. It concludes that the definition lawfare is inadequate for professional scholarly or policy-focused discourse and offers the notion of Malign Legal Operations (MALOPs) as a more appropriate term to encapsulate these actions. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes that the debate over the value-neutrality of the notion lawfare is complex, and the term is insufficiently defined to support its supposed neutrality, leading to opportunities for further exploitation by revisionist states and entities. Supporters of valueneutrality argue that distinguishing a "malign" variant of lawfare offers malicious practitioners more opportunities to make false claims against legitimate actors. However, the text counters that classification of malign behavior is based on objective and observable manipulations of legal systems rather than mere disagreement. Furthermore, the paper argues that lawfare is a octrinally inappropriate term due to its contradictory nature, as it combines "law" and "warfare" despite serving as an alternative to military conflict. Using a single term to describe both legitimate and malicious legal actions is damaging to discourse and detracts from efforts to combat the misuse of legal systems. The research’s primary objectives include establishing the lack of a universally accepted definition for lawfare, demonstrating the unanswered question of value-neutrality, and highlighting the non-doctrinal nature of the term itself. It concludes that lawfare is no longer an appropriate term to describe these phenomena, advocating for the adoption of Malign Legal Operations to better represent the manipulation of legal domains for political ends.Item The Right of Access to Non-State Dispute Resolution in the Legal Order of Larger Europe: A Yardstick to Harmonise Approaches to State and Non-State Dispute Settlement in Ukraine(2021) Marmazov, Vasyl; Pushkar, PavloThe Ukrainian legal thought has traditionally regarded the right of access to justice as a right of access to the State court, or to State managed or controlled procedures for dispute settlement. One of the main reasons for that was that the non-state, or uncontrolled by the State dispute settlement was not formally permitted, prohibition being imposed by the Soviet system and even to a certain extent during the period of domination on parts of the territory of the modern Ukraine, of the various externally imposed requirements of various legal systems in force at the material time. Non-state dispute settlement in its traditional forms, mainly based on the custom, was also left outside the attention in the pre-Soviet times and could not find its dignified place between accessible schemes and instruments for dispute settlement. Moreover, the understanding that justice delivery for the parties to the dispute should remain within State monopoly, became commonly accepted as from 1996. The adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine to a certain extent perverted approach to settlement of conflicts, focusing on the main role for the State courts, to these ends. In particular, the courts are having “direct jurisdiction” over any dispute, this led to perception of pre-trial settlements as unnecessary, even as regards those that remained in force, notably, the commissions on labour disputes that were recognized in the case-law of the European Court as equating in legal force to binding and enforceable legal instruments. Thus, the traditional historical approach to seeing judicial examination of disputes as an exceptional step in dispute settlement, in the absence of agreement or settlement by the parties, notably through mediation, arbitration or conciliation, various forms of third party involvement, steadily disappeared. However, alternative examination of disputes is returning back to its original standing. It is gaining its place in the discussions on the judicial reform and reform of the system for settlement of disputes. This reform is far from being finalised and possibly has not even started in practice. The new approach to settlement of disputes, aimed at breaking the principle of State monopoly on examination of disputes and seeing State dispute settlement by court as an exception, is still not firmly entrenched into the mentality of lawyers, public servants, judges, law enforcement employees and politicians in Ukraine. Thus, the article suggests and points out to importance of taking into account with these changes of a wider European perspective. Such a perspective should relate not only to theoretical and practical advantages of the non-state dispute settlement, but also provides that the privatisation of the dispute settlement procedures and breaking the state monopoly on it, is a part of wider international obligations, also being a part of the supranational legal order of the European Union. This obligation of Ukraine is also seen as part of the requirements stemming from the Council of Europe law. Both the EU law and the Council of Europe provide for extensive soft law recommendations, legal principles, which are formed by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Such an approach provides that alternative means of dispute settlement, including arbitration, do not run contrary to the principles of human rights with regard to fair judicial proceedings. On the contrary, they could be seen as a highly relevant actual means of dispute settlement for any modern European society, built on the principles of respect to rule of law and human rights.Item Right to Social Security of Employment Migrants in European Union(2018) Yatskevych, IvanThe article deals with the issue of social security of employment of migrants from third-countries to the European Union. This publication gives a short overview of literature and more detailed outlook of international, interstate, and national legal sources, conferring rights of third-countries workers employed in the EU. The author commences the analysis from the legal background for social security right safeguards. Following this goal, the documents of the Council of Europe are researched, particularly European Social Charter (revised). As per the EU regulation of migrants’ right to social security guarantees, there are sources studied or referred to in the article. The Treaty of Lisbon and the EU directives are mentioned as legal sources, including latest development in the EU social security law. It is stated on different approaches to social security provisions exercised by a Member State. The vision of problem of insufficient attention to victims of illegal employment of immigrants and their vulnerability is developed. Certain analysis of Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU regarding social security, migration issues, and principles of cooperation in given sphere is presented.Item Russia – traffic in transit: a landmark case undermining the role of WTO security exceptions amidst trade and hybrid wars(2024) Kozachuk, NataliiaThis article explores the relationship between trade and hybrid warfare conducted by state actors in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war before Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022 and the US-China trade war. It analyzes recent WTO case-law, notably the landmark case Russia – Traffic in Transit, where justification under GATT Art. XXI was successfully invoked by Russia – a WTO member that launched armed aggression against its neighbor, resorting to occupation and annexation of Ukraine’s territories. Panel’s application of a two-tier test in this case is put into question as Russia has neither explained what constituted an emergency in international relations nor articulated its essential security interests. The analysis addresses how Russia employed trade war tactics as part of its arsenal in the realm of hybrid warfare, subsequently escalating to a full-scale aggression against Ukraine, triggering the largest continental war in Europe since WWII. However, the article recognizes the balanced nature of the GATT Art. XXI interpretation, requiring the Panel to assess whether the measures were "taken in time of war or other emergency in international relations," and also to identify whether the invoking member acted in good faith when establishing the connection between the measures and its essential security interests. If applied correctly, this interpretation should not encourage further trade wars.Item Specific intent (dolus specialis) in the Armenian genocide, the Holodomor and the Holocaust: comparative analysis(2019) Antonovych, MyroslavaAlthough comparative genocide as the second generation of genocide studies has developed over the ast two decades, the Holodomor as a crime of genocide committed by Stalin’s regime has not been examined n comparative perspective.In this article, the author traces the reasons for that and offers a comparative nalysis of the Holodomor with examples of genocide in the first half of the 20th century – namely, the rmenian genocide of the Ottoman Empire and the Holocaust of Nazi Germany. The author compares the hree genocides as crimes under international law in terms of the mental (mens rea) elements of genocide hat characterize each of them, noting the dissimilarities and similarities in specific intent (dolus specialis) f those crimes. The author draws to the conclusion that the key common element in the genocides erpetrated in the Ottoman Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Third Reich is that state organization was ubstituted by hegemony of a ruling party: the Ittihadists, the Communists, and the Nazis. The importance of comparing cases of genocide is evident: if lessons from the past are not heeded and genocide is not unished, history will repeat itself as can be seen in the east and south (Crimea) of Ukraine, where the uccessor state to the Soviet Union – the Russian Federation – continues an attack on the Ukrainian nation.Item Wholesale energy supplies disruption as the human rights breach: characterisation and causality aspects(2024) Zahnitko, OlehThis paper explores the intersection of energy security supply and human rights in Ukraine, focusing on the implications of disruptions in the supply of wholesale energy products. Ukraine's wholesale energy sector is being under attack since early October 2023, with no legally sound reaction from the international community. The article studies, past hindrance of the economic development and personal liability caused by the attacks, the risks posed to human rights and other peremptory rules of public international law, including access to essential services, health, and an adequate standard of living. By examining the legal frameworks and international human rights standards, this study argues that sustained or significant interruptions in wholesale energy supply constitute a breach of human rights and sufficient cause of action by the Government of Ukraine under multilateral international instruments.Item Антипозовні забезпечувальні заходи як засіб уникнення паралельних арбітражних і судових проваджень(2019) Дев'яткіна, МаріяСтаттю присвячено розв’язанню проблеми паралельних проваджень у сфері міжнародного комерційного арбітражу, оскільки паралельні провадження є небажаним явищем як для сторін арбітражного процесу, так і для арбітражного суду. Основну увагу в цій праці зосереджено на дослідженні антипозовних заходів, тому що вони дають можливість уникнути відкриття паралельних проваджень у міжнародному комерційному арбітражі та національних судах. Надано визначення таких заходів, встановлено їхні види, досліджено правову природу та наведено приклади їх практичного використання в континентальній та загальній правових системах. Крім того, в цій статті надано відповідь на питання, чи має міжнародний комерційний арбітраж достатню юрисдикцію виносити ухвали про антипозовні заходи і чи є такі заходи ефективним методом уникнення паралельних проваджень. У результаті аналізу практичного застосування механізму антипозовних заходів наведено доводи, чому антипозовні заходи не найкращий метод уникнення паралельних проваджень, запропоновано альтернативний погляд на розв’язання цієї проблеми.Item "Безнаслідкова необережність" у сучасних умовах реформування кримінального законодавства: проблема та шляхи її розв’язання(2021) Багіров, СергійУ статті висвітлено проблему невідповідності законодавчих положень про необережну форму вини, які містяться в Загальній частині КК України, конструктивним особливостям деяких складів кримінальних правопорушень, передбачених Особливою частиною цього Кодексу. Прогнозується ситуація, виникнення якої зумовлено майбутнім перенесенням значної кількості кримінальних за своєю правничою природою правопорушень з Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення до книги кримінальних проступків нового КК України. Переважна більшість цих правопорушень сконструйовані як такі, що мають формальний склад, тобто наслідки перебувають за його межами. Водночас конструкція необережної форми вини та її різновидів – легковажності і недбалості, нормативні моделі яких містяться в Загальній частині проєкту КК України, передбачає психічне ставлення до наслідків. Показано майбутні проблеми з визначенням форми вини кримінальних правопорушень, якщо серед положень Загальної частини проєктованого КК України буде передбачено положення про обмежену караність необережної поведінки. Пропонується принцип побудови норм про кримінальну відповідальність за необережні діяння, згідно з яким результативні необережні делікти мають передбачатися в книзі про злочини, а необережні правопорушення з формальним складом мають належати до проступків. З метою належного охоплення положеннями Загальної частини майбутнього КК України про необережність усіх конструктивних різновидів складів необережних правопорушень автор пропонує передбачити два типи необережної форми вини – результативну необережність і безнаслідкову необережність. Здійснено теоретичне моделювання відповідних кримінально-правових норм, якими закріплюватиметься безнаслідкова необережність та її різновиди.