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Item 200 чоловік чи 200 людей, осіб, душ?(2016) Голосовська, ГалинаУ статті йдеться про збіднення мови через подеколи штучне звуження значень окремих давніх власне українських слів і запропоновано використовувати все мовне багатство значень і форм.Item Dialects in the Current Sociolinguistic Situation in Ukraine(2022) Bidnoshyia, Yuri; Dyka, LiudmylaThe article attempts to consider Ukrainian dialects from a sociolinguistic perspective. In particular, the article describes the factors which influence attitudes to dialects and determine its level of prestige. The main factors described are Ukraine’s language policy and teachers’ approaches to students’ language competence. The article gives examples of statements by scholars, writers, and dialect speakers about the place of dialect in literary language and in everyday communication, as well as the phenomenon of switching codes from dialect to literary language or from dialect to another language, which often causes discomfort for dialect speakers and provokes intolerance in their peers. Ways to form a positive image of dialects are proposed, which could help improve the image of the Ukrainian language. Important measures which could be taken to achieve this aim are an increase interest in the publication of dialect texts and the creation of literary works in dialect.Item Differentiation of Syncretic Categories, Dual Categories and Other Approximate Phenomena in the Syntactic Language System (on the Material of the Ukrainian Language)(2020) Kobchenko, NataliaThe main purpose of the paper is to explore and explain the difference between these two concepts relating to the syntactic language system, in particular, to prove the difference between the structures of "true" dual syntactic connection and structures of "fictitious" dual syntactic connection.Item Distribution de la notion de "démocratie" dans les textes ukrainies du XXe siècle(2003) Demska, OrysiaУ статті розглянуто способи вживання поняття "демократія" в українських текстах ХХ століття.Item Hungarian and Romanian Minorities in Ukraine: Conditions and Status [electronic resourse](2021) Pidkuimukha, LiudmylaThis article continues examining a subject that is addressed in the previously published "Law of Ukraine ‘On ensuring the functioning of Ukrainian as the state language’: The status of Ukrainian and minority languages."Item Hybridity and the linguistic landscape(2019) Demska, OrysiaThis article argues that a linguistic landscape can be considered a hybrid when many languages and scripts simultaneously work within it. Being heterogeneous, urban signage (shop signs, business signs, outdoor advertising etc.) is open to hybridization, particularly in moments of historical and geopolitical transformation and at the intersections of different cultures. Analyzing the linguistic landscape of Kiev’s Podil district, conscious, unconscious, explicit, and implicit hybridity are identified and examined. Linguistic hybridity, as an element of cultural hybridity, is closely related to everyday practices associated with work, food, clothes, hygiene, health, leisure, etc. Organic/unconscious and intentional/conscious forms of hybridization occur in linguistic creativity. The article shows that three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, and English), and two scripts (Latin and Cyrillic), participate in the hybridization process, and examples are cited. During the Soviet period, Russian was the dominant language in Ukraine and Kiev. The Soviet authorities reinforced Russian and weakened Ukrainian. The consequences of this colonial policy can be observed today, and one can see these results in the Ukrainian-Russian hybrid city-text. Since the restoration of Ukrainian independence in 1991, Ukraine has transformed from a post-colonial state to a European state, and has become part of a globalized world which uses English as a lingua franca. The effects of this transformation are visible in the linguistic landscape in the form of Ukrainian-Russian-English, Ukrainian-English, and Russian-English hybrid signs.Item The Interpretation of the Vocative Case in Ukrainian Language Education: Scientific Foundations and Socio-Political Factors(2023) Kobchenko, Natalia; Yasakova, Nataliia; Ozhohan, VasylThe paper traces the dynamics of the interpretation of the grammatical nature of the vocative in Ukrainian grammars from the 16th century until the present. The subject of the analysis is the content and presentation of this category in two sections of Ukrainian grammar books: 1) morphological, which clarifies the status of the vocative in the inflectional paradigm of the noun, and 2) syntactic, in which the means of expressing address are characterized. Based on the findings of the research, various trends in the description of the vocative in different historical periods have been identified, in particular: 1) until the beginning of the 20th, it was unequivocally qualified as an equal member of the inflectional paradigm of the noun, equal to other cases; 2) from the beginning of the 20th century to 1933 was a period of competition between two theories (the vocative is a case the same as others or the vocative is not a true case, but a "special" form in the inflectional paradigm of the noun); 3) the canonization of the "fake case" status theory; 4) from 1991 to the present there has been an unanimity of authors in qualifying the vocative as a case. Comparing the stages of fundamental changes in the scientific definition of the vocative in grammars with defining events in the history of Ukraine provides the basis for discussions about the influence of socio–political factors on the representation of linguistic theories and the codification of the linguistic norms.Item Interventional Strategies in the Ukrainian Dubbing of The Simpsons Movie (2007)(2022) Weston, OlenaThis article analyses the interventional translation strategies employed in the Ukrainian dubbing of The Simpsons Movie (2007). Based on a parallel corpus of the English original and the Ukrainian dubbing, this paper argues that film translation frequently requires lexical adjustments by the translator in order to maintain the original context or to establish the desired emotional connection with the audience. The interventional strategies chosen for this paper and applied to detected Ukrainian fragments are generalisation, substitution and omission, which are elements of domestication strategies; and specification, which is an element of foreignization strategies. In the process of analysing the parallel corpus for The Simpsons Movie, an additional type of interventional strategy was detected and added as a fifth category: lexical domestication. This strategy relates to elements that have been deliberately created with the aim of introducing foreign replicas closer to the target language.Item Język, przemiany społeczno-polityczne i współpraca międzynarodowa(2014) Masenko, LarysaW artykule przedstawiono zarys wspolczesnej ukrainskiej socjoling- wistyki z uwzgl^dnieniem polsko-ukrainskiej wspolpracy naukowej w II polowie XX i na pocz^tku XXI wieku. Artykul wzbogaca naj- nowsza literatura kiytyczna. Cenny element tekstu stanowkj uiywki korespondencji Jerzego Giedroycia i Jurija Szewelowa, ktora zachowala sig na sronach paryskiej „Kultury”.Item Language Tenacity of Ukrainians in the 20th Century as a Means of National Self-Assertion(2021) Pidkuimukha, LiudmylaThe goal of this article is to analyze language tenacity of Ukrainians in the first half of the twentieth century as well as geographical and historical factors that have influenced language behaviour and language choice. The data set used for the analysis comes from a collection of interviews "Unusual Fates of Usual Women. Oral History of the 20th Century" (Vynnytska, 2013). These texts are chosen as they represent demonstrative samples of women’s language practices and interviewees’ reflections on the language situation in Ukraine in the first half of the 20th century. The women-interviewees explain their language choices and define how it has influenced national identity of the individuals and groups. In total, 21 interviews, which I view as discourse (text in context), are studied. The analysis is informed by critical discourse studies and reveals that the concepts of language stability and language tenacity describe the language situation studied. Language attitudes are also shown to be instrumental in creating the sociolinguistic conditions which support language stability. The discussion focuses on the concept of language tenacity as the most relevant notion in preserving or maintaining a language in a society.Item Marriage Announcements in Lviv during the Interwar Period: Ethnic and Gender Aspects(2016) Pidkuimukha, LiudmylaThe article dwells upon the marriage announcements in the Lviv periodicals during the interwar period. The author has analyzed men's and women's ads and has described the peculiarities of them. The author has defined the main character traits which the future wife or husband should have.Item Modern approaches to philological studies(2020) Klymenko, Olga; Kosovych, Olga; Kuzmenko, Anastasiia; Kobchenko, Natalia; Khrystianinova, Raisa; Merkulova, Oksana; Pavlenko, Iryna; Torkut, Nataliya; Nikolova, Oleksandra; Pogrebnaya, Viktoriya; Grebeniuk, TetianaCollective monograph based on philological research.Item More than a signboard: the name of a store in the speaker’s mental lexicon(2022) Kadochnikova, OlenaBackground. Forming a system of spatial, social and cultural landmarks, each speaker consciously/unconsciously records proper names which seem important. The most significant units are remembered, and it is they that determine the general idea of the entire set of marked objects. Since the system of linguistic units in the individual mental lexicon is regulated by a great number of subjective factors, it can be assumed that the tendencies of the reflection of reality in the mental lexicon common to a group of speakers open the way to the analysis of current social stereotypes. Shop and store names are one of the groups of commercial names, therefore, by their very nature, they are maximally oriented towards reflecting positive stereotypes of large social groups. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the names of shops and stores are reflected in the mental lexicon of the women residents of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and to try to outline the connection between the proper names verbalization in speakers’ mental lexicon and their ideas about extralinguistic reality. Methods. The material for this study consists of 249 graphic variants of 160 names of clothing, footwear and food stores, collected by surveying 45 women residents of Kyiv. Descriptive, comparative, and quantitative methods were used in the research, and techniques of the structural method were occasionally involved. Results. Current store names in the capital of Ukraine create а very colorful linguistic landscape with its main feature – the predominance of foreign language components, both lexical and graphic. Among all this diversity, the speaker remembers 3 or 4 names оn average, which determine her idea of the general trends in the nomination of objects in this field and indirectly ‒ these objects themselves. The analysis of store and shop names active in the mental lexicon of Kyiv residents shows that the absolute majority of clothing and shoe stores (79 % and 81 %, respectively) are perceived by names identified with other cultural spaces. Not only the name’s origin, but primarily its graphic form is a clear indicator of belonging to some cultural space. The opposite case in the name system of grocery stores is recorded ‒ only 26 % of them were reproduced by respondents in Latin. The form in which the store or shop name is stored in the mental lexicon depends on a) the graphic code visualized on the signboard / in the advertisement and b) the sound form of the name commonly used in informal communication. The activity of the second factor directly depends on the symmetry of the sound and spelling of the barbarism name and the level of speaker’s foreign language competence. The result of the collision of different graphic codes in the speaker’s mind is mixing, which is manifested in the recording of the original form of the name from Latin to Cyrillic during memorization. Therefore, while keeping proper names in memory, speakers try to assimilate their form to the rest of the fixed units, and this often manifests itself in the transformation of the original form of proper name. Discussion. Oversaturation of Kyiv’s commercial ergonomics system with barbaric names forms a strong public stereotype about the attractiveness and progressiveness of other cultures in the consumption sphere and creates the illusion of the absence of national Ukrainian in it. Trying to master the system of store and shop names, Kyiv residents find themselves in a conflict situation: the dominant graphic code for them is the Cyrillic alphabet, while the Latin alphabet prevails in the visual space of Kyiv’s trade establishments. The way out of this situation is transformation ‒ recording of the original name with the help of a graphic system convenient for the speaker. In order to form a general idea about the reflection of the commercial proper names system in the mental lexicon of Ukrainians, it is necessary to involve in the study data from representatives of different age groups from different regions of the country.Item The peculiarity of the syntactic connection in the sentences including generalizing components(2017) Kobchenko, NataliaIn the article there are highlighted grammatical peculiarities of syntactic connections in sentences with homogeneous parts of sentence and resumptive words. The purpose of the research is to clear up the technic of realization of syntactic connection in the syntactic triplets "a resumptive word + its syntactic dominate + series of homogeneous components". There are described various approaches to the qualification of peculiarities of syntactic connections in these syntactic triplets. There is outlined functioning of dual subordinated indirect connection. There are represented models of these syntactic triplets according to the part of language beloning of their components. There is emphasized obligatory interaction between this type of dual syntactic connection and parataxis.Item Poligrap: лінгвістичний пошуковий ресурс(2005) Демська, ОрисяПропонована увазі читача стаття з проблем корпусної лінгвістики є однією з циклу статей, завдання яких - впровадження корпусного методу в лінгвоукраїністику. У статті розглянуто один із аспектів роботи з текстовими корпусними ресурсами, а саме програмний підхід до екстрагування лінгвальної інформації корпусу. Описано пошукову програму Poligrap, специфіку її синтаксису, а також варіанти інтерфейсів.Item Prof. Omeljan Pritsak's Structural-Functional Theory Applied to the Ottoman-Cossack Treaty 1650-1651(2015) Pritsak, LarysaProfessor Omeljan Pritsak, a leading scholar in the field of Turkology, contributed to 20th century world science by way of introducing holistic methods into historical research, namely Source Studies. I refer herein to Prof. Pritsak’s structural-functional theory of historical vision based on historical facts reconstructed from the structures of complete historic cycles through dichotomic analysis. This theory gave me the possibility to investigate a set of Ottoman and Cossack Treaty texts of 1651 with the help of the analytic - factologic method and to reconstruct cahd-name (terms and conditions) of the Treaty applying the comparative structural method. Using the holistic approach to primary sources, I investigated the Ottoman set of documents on the protectorate issued to Bogdan Khmel’nyts’kyj and the Zaporozhian Host by the Ottoman Porte in 1651. The method is fruitful in solving the objectives set before the researcher.Item Street name as a culture code(2019) Demska, OrysiaThe article deal with the problem of the correlation between the urban place names and the culture. It has been determined that the street/square names are a part of the culture, a maker of this culture with the great power of construction or destruction. They contain the information about the history of the place or space, the beliefs and values of the people or groups of these people, the everyday practices of the habitants. Being the elements of urban culture, containing the complex many-sided information about the residents of the city as a cultural group, the geographical proper names become the cultural codes. Each time, when someone says, asks, indicates, writes the street name, consciously or unconsciously actualized the events associated with this name, the story of person or phenomenon in the frame of the story of the society they belong, according to the culture of this society. Also, the in the article the thesis that the true essential transformation of the culture takes place when not only people but the space are on the stage is highlighted. The Soviet and the contemporary Ukrainian urban toponymic portraits were investigated and described.Item "Together we are power!": Identities and Values in Euromaidan Slogans(2016) Trach, NadiyaThis article examines the issues of identity and values in Euromaidan slogans. Different types of identities and the ways of their expression are highlighted: gender, national, regional, social, European and so on. A spectrum of values is portrayed - the values of love, friendship, mutual help, freedom, and dignity. Various linguistic representations of identities and values are examined by using the methodological tools of discourse-analysis on the data obtained from a field research and publications immediately appearing as a reaction to Maidan events.Item "Us" versus "Them": the Image of Self and Other in the Ukrainian Fiction and Non-fiction Literature about the Ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War(2019) Pidkuimukha, LiudmylaThe article is devoted to the depiction of the "self" and "other" images in fiction and non-fiction literature about the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. The sources chosen for the study consist of coverages by Ukrainian journalists and the novel "Internat" by Serhiy Zhadan. The focus has been placed on the analysis of the discursive strategies and linguistic realizations the authors had chosen to draw a line between "us" and "them". In both types of texts, "friends" and "enemies" are not divided by blood relations or language issues, but by ideological differences. Therefore, the article introduces a discussion about the portrayal of "self" and "other" as a dichotomy in different types of texts. In our future research, we intend to concentrate on the comparison of the aforementioned dichotomy in other discourses and genres (films, social media texts, news, interviews, and legislative texts). The comparison of these depictions in different cultures and historical era could also be fruitful for further investigations.