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Item "16 лет в СССР": спогади Фредеріка Леграна(2017) Клименко, ОксанаУ статті запропоновано аналіз спогадів бельгійського робітника Фредеріка Леграна про Країну Рад міжвоєнного періоду. На прикладі цих споминів представлено основні характеристики, як «потрібно» було говорити «по-більшовицьки» та як «правильно» «пригадувати» минуле до 1917 року та радянську добу. Також встановлено основні маркери, які мала використовувати «нова» радянська людина, розповідаючи про свою участь у «соціалістичному будівництві».Item The 1917 Break and Its Aftermath: Ukrainian Academia’s Perception and Representation of the Revolutionary Events (2007–2017)(2020) Shlikhta, NataliaThe author of this review is not a student of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 herself. My interest in Soviet history and Western historiography undoubtedly influenced my approach and the interpretation advanced in this article. This is an outsider’s review, the author of which has not aspired nor pretended to provide exhaustive coverage of the publications from the period. I certainly make no authoritative estimations, nor do I draw authoritative conclusions. Rather, I see my part just as Geoff Eley saw his when he participated in the discussion between Sovietologists of different generations on the pages of the Russian Review in 1986-1987. Having focused his own studies on Nazi history, he was able— as an outsider— to see the methodological limitations of the approaches applied by those who studied Soviet history as well as to provide broader perspectives on the challenges they faced and the research problems they raised.2 Therefore, when examining scholarly and public history publications from the decade between the two jubilee anniversaries of the 1917 revolutionary events, I will focus primarily on methodological and conceptual issues, which allows me to frame academic views on these events within a broader context of the study of the (Ukrainian) 20th century.Item Accession of Southern Bessarabia to the Ukrainian SSR in the documents of the Soviet secret services(2021) Bazhan, Oleg; Mykhailutsa, MykolaBased on the archival documents and materials, the article examines the activities of Soviet state security authorities in Southern Bessarabia (since the annexation of the Cahul-Izmail-Bolhrad strip to the Ukrainian SSR), aimed at building a Soviet-style political system in the region, combating "anti-Soviet manifestations and anti-Soviet elements" and aiming at the repressions of various categories of citizens, including the Orthodox clergy. The paper focuses on the functioning of special groups staffed by the officers from various departments of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR, that conducted activities in the towns of Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia. Based on the documents of the Soviet secret services, the socio-political and economic situation in Akkerman and Izmail counties in the second half of 1940 is depicted, as well as the peculiarities of the Bessarabian Germans’ repatriation to Germany or the reaction of the population of the Ukrainian SSR to the adoption of the Law "On the Inclusion of the Northern Part of Bukovina and Khotyn, Akkerman and Izmail Counties of Bessarabia into the Ukrainian SSR" by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.Item "Ad fontes": кілька нотаток post factum(2015) Яременко, МаксимПро Міжнародну наукову конференцію до 400-ї річниці заснування Києво-Могилянської академіїItem Adaptability as a Survival Strategy under Communism: Reconsidering the Approach of the Russian Orthodox Church(2019) Shlikhta, NataliaAdaptability is a broad and crucial topic for the Soviet-period history of the Russian Orthodox Church that has not received the scholarly attention that it merits. An important reason for this scholarly neglect is in the highly negative connotation of the very concept, as it was not easy and arguably not right for the Church to adapt to Soviet sociopolitical circumstances. Such a view was formed back in the Soviet era under a combined influence of church opposition’s and Soviet officials’ critique. This paper suggests approaching the issue through contextualizing the Church’s strategy that allows for a more balanced and less value judgment interpretation. Two major contexts are taken into account: of the ecclesiastical tradition and legacy of the Soviet state. Ever since the Great Terror, Soviet power tolerated no opposition and no Other while it employed quite effective methods of the socialization of population.Item Anti-regime movement in the second half of the 20th century in Soviet Ukraine: essence, scale, forms and methods of resistance(2023) Bazhan, OlehThe article highlights the general trends and features of the formation of the opposition movement in Ukraine from the late 1950s through the 1980s, and examines the forms and methods of the protest movement as well as the specifics of the information and communication activities of Ukrainian dissidents. The study focuses on the mechanism of political repression, the use of criminal legislation in the Ukrainian SSR to punish dissent, and the approximate number of citizens of the republic who were repressed for "anti-Soviet propaganda and activities" from the 1950s through the 1980s.Item Change of Ritual Practice under Communism: The Case of the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet Ukraine in the Late 1950s to Early 1970s(2024) Shlikhta, NataliaThe policies of Soviet authorities regarding institutionalised religion and its adherents evolved over time, as circumstances, both inside and outside the country, changed. The Leninist "red terror" against all “former people” (byvshie liudi) and anti-religious persecutions of the 1920s were replaced with the Stalinist pragmatic “concordat” with the Russian Orthodox Church (thereafter – ROC) and parallel suppression of other "religious cults" in the 1940s. The revival of aggressive antireligious rhetoric and harsh anti-religious measures under Khrushchev – quite predictable within the context of his reforms – ended up with "disappointments and failures", while the Brezhnev era policies "were reoriented to manage the Church’s power and visibility, rather than attempting to eradicate them". All these changes notwithstanding, the inherent incompatibility of Soviet and religious was not questioned and "secularization was an integral element to socialist modernity and state building in the USSR", as Catherine Wanner noted.Item Conditio sine qua non: [рецензія](2017) Гнатюк, О.Рецензія на монографію Маріуша Сави (Mariusz Sawa) "Ukraiński emigrant. Działalność i myśl Iwana Kedryna-Rudnyckiego (1896–1995)" (2016).Item "Dalej od Moskwy!" – o ukrainskiej dyskusji literackiej widzianej zza Zbrucza(2011) Hnatiuk, OlaDyskusie o europejskosci ukrainskiej kultury, podobnie jak w innych kulturach Europy Srodkowej, trudno oddzielic od tradycyjnego przeciwstawienia Wschodu i Zachodu oraz towarzyszacego mu wartosciowania.Item "The Decisive Embassy" of Prince Krzystof Zbaraski to Constantinople (1622-1623) and European Diplomacy amidst the Thirty Years War(2021) Grygorieva, TetianaThe embassy of prince Krzysztof Zbaraski (1622–1633) is traditionally considered purely in the context of bilateral relations between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire for several reasons. First, the main goal of this embassy was to gain an imperial ‘ahdname after the first substantial military conflict between the parties in the previous year. Second, because in such terms this embassy is pictured in the two major sources documenting this mission. These are the official report by Zbaraski and the epic poem by his secretary Samuel Twardowski "Przeważna legacja" ("The Decisive Embassy") (1633). Yet, prince’s diplomatic performance was closely observed by European residents and ad hoc ambassadors in Constantinople. Their dispatches give a perspective completely diff erent from the one expressed in the official report of the prince. Specifically, they discussed whether the treaty between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire should include the paragraph regarding obligation of the Polish king to keep peace with the Transylvanian prince Bethlen Gábor. It was reported that this condition could impact Bethlen Gábor’s decision-making about resuming war with the Emperor Ferdinand II Habsburg after the Peace of Nikolsburg (1621). This article contextualises the embassy of the Prince Zbaraski within European political landscape amidst Thirty Years’ War and contrasts the results of the embassy to the tasks outlined in the ambassadorial instruction.Item Dedal i Ikar(2000) Hnatiuk, OlaRecenzja książki "Dedal i Ikar" Boguslawa Bakuly (poznariski polonista, jest znany czytelnikom Kultury, przede wszystkim z tekstôw i rozmôw o poezji ukrainskiej, prezentowanych na jej lamach w latach 1990-1995).Item Descubriendo Ucrania : Su pueblo, su historia y su cultura(Poliedro Editorial de la Universidad de San Isidro, 2022) Arzoumania, Ana ; Palko, Olena; Férez Gil, Manuel; Sokyrko, Oleksii; Baumann, Fabian; Rindlisbacher, Stephan; Klymenko, Oksana; Liubavskyi, Roman; Taurydzkyj, Jeremías M.; Mattingly, Daria; Korshuk, Roman; Moskalets, Vladyslava; Umanska, Anna; Buyskykh, Iuliia; Cipko, Serge; Zabirko, Oleksandr; Kulyk, Volodymyr; Martsenyuk, Tamara; Ots, Ingrid; Lankina, Liubov; Thompson, Ewa; Palko, Olena; Hundorova, Tamara; Popova, Maria; Marples, David; Vsetecka, John; Klimenko, Natasha; Botta, PauloLa nueva invasión a gran escala rusa, iniciada el 24 de febrero de 2022, volvió a convertir a Ucrania en el centro de atención de los medios de comunicación mundiales. Más allá de los titulares centrados en la invasión y guerra permanecen los complejos desarrollos de la historia, identidad nacional, cultura y la sociedad ucraniana. Visibilizar esos desarrollos es el objetivo principal de esta publicación cuyo origen es una serie de conferencias en línea titulada 'Descubriendo Ucrania. Su pueblo, su historia y su cultura' dictada por un grupo de académicos y especialistas de Ucrania. El ciclo de conferencias fue organizado por el Grupo de Estudio BASEES para la Historia de las Minorías, y apoyado por URIS Ukrainian Research in Switzerland Initiative, Universidad Internacional de Cuernavaca, Oriente Medio News, Bnei Brith Chile y el Circulo Israelita de Santiago y contó con más de 200 inscritos de todo el mundo.Item Działalność Pracowni Literatury Ukrainskiej przy Instytucie Slawistyki PAN (1998-2003)(2004) Hnatiuk, OlaArtykuł opisuje działalność naukową i popularyzatorską Pracowni Literatury Ukrainskiej przy Instytutu Slawistyki PAN, w szczególności ukrainskiej literatury i humanistyki. W ostatnich latach ukazalo sie kilkanascie ksiazek prezentujacych najwybitniejszych wspolczesnych pisarzy ukrainskich, umownie - od A - Andruchowycza do Z - Zabuzko.Item Dziedzictwo kresów – nasze wspólne dziedzictwo? / red. Jacek Purchla, Kraków: Mi dzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2006, 341 s.: [рецензія](2008) Бетлій, ОленаРецензія на книжку Dziedzictwo kresów – nasze wspólne dziedzictwo?Item Eastern Christian Churches Between State and Society an Overview of the Religious Landscape in Ukraine (1989–2014)(2016) Shlikhta, NataliaThe decline of the communist regime in the late 1980s stimulated decentralizing processes within the Russian Orthodox Church; a final result being the emergence of Eastern Christian Churches in independent Ukraine: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Throughout the next two and a half decades the Ukrainian religious landscape has been simultaneously characterized by sharp conflicts and a search for ways of peaceful coexistence between various confessions; ecumenical initiatives, and asserting one’s “canonicity” against the “schismatic” others; attempts by some Churches to act as civil agencies and national institutions; attempts by the state under President Yanukovych to revive a “state” Church following the Russian model; moves towards a Local Ukrainian Orthodox Church and also towards “Russkii mir” (The Russian World). Crucial issues are — the Churches’ search for their place in the post-Soviet Ukrainian realm and their choices of models for coexistence with Ukrainian officialdom and society. In its approach the article provides a general profile of each Church, examines state policies towards religion and the Church in independent Ukraine, and describes a turning point, that being the Revolution of Dignity’s deep influence on the Churches’ perceptions of themselves and their place in Ukrainian life.Item Eppur si muove - або непереможність демократії(Дух і Літера, 2020) Гнатюк, Оля; Чех, Мирослав; Бочковський, Ольґерд ІполитУ третьому томі "Вибраних праць і документів" вміщено менші за обсягом праці, філософські та політологічні есеї, політичну публіцистику, а також рецензії 1920-1930-х років. Якщо перші два томи мали на меті представити українському читачеві Бочковського як видатного вченого, то третій том є презентацією Бочковського як політичного мислителя і публіциста, громадського діяча та есеїста.Item From Indifference to Obsession: Russian Claim to Kyiv History in Travel Literature of the 18th – early 19th Century(2023) Dysa, KaterynaIn this article, I discuss a relatively recent development of Russian interest in Kyiv as a place with symbolic and historical significance for Russian history, which makes it a desirable target in an ongoing war. I trace the changing attitude of Russian travelers towards Kyiv’s history from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century. Earlier generations of visitors came to Kyiv primarily to visit holy places, with no knowledge of the city’s historical significance, and because it was a more affordable alternative to travel abroad. However, at the end of the eighteenth century, after Catherine II’s royal visit, the publication of guidebooks, and the ascend of history as a discipline, and interest among Russian educated elites, Kyiv’s past became an obsession for many Russian travelers. Their travel accounts were motivated by a search for the past glory of Kyiv. For Russian travelers and authorities, history became one of the key means of appropriation of Kyiv, with a new generation of travelers searching for material evidence connecting Kyivan Rus to the Russian past. However, they were unable to find much material evidence and often used their imagination to present Kyiv as a site of Kyivan Rus history, ignoring the city’s non-Russian heritage.Item Gente Ruthenus, natione Polonus - history of the expression(2005-11) Hnatiuk, AleksandraIn this article, the historical origin of the expression Gente Ruthenus was explored.