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Item Academic English Course Design for PhD Program: Principles and Content(2017) Vasylenko, I.The article deals with NaUKMA experience in designing the course of Academic English for PhD programs using communicative approach. The principles of organization and content are substantiated. During the course students should acquire and practically apply the skills necessary for scientific communication – critical reading, academic writing, giving scientific presentations – combined with advanced grammar and academic vocabulary.Item Academic Writing : навчально-методичний посібник з англійської мови для студентів НаУКМА(2020) Нестеренко, ЛюдмилаНавчально-методичний посібник відповідає навчальному плану підготовки бакалаврів, що навчаються за спеціальністю "Філологія. Германські мови та література (переклад включно, перша - англійська)" і допомагає засвоєнню фахових дисциплін. Даний посібник орієнтований на розвиток спеціалізованих мовних навичок, вмінь фахового спілкування та вироблення комунікативної компетенції студентів на рівні, що умовно називається “вищесереднього” (“upper - intermediate”, В2). У процесі підготовки навчально-методичного посібника застосовано комунікативний підхід до навчання. У посібнику також подано ряд практичних завдань (відповідно до навчальної плану та робочої програми), спрямованих на вивчення англомовного академічного письма як різновиду наукового (академічного) спілкування. У практичних завданнях запроповано проблемні питання, що передбачають розвиток навичок критичного мислення, а також завдання, виконання яких допоможе студентам сформувати вміння й практичні навички комунікативно виправдано користуватися засобами мови для створення відповідних зразків академічного письма. Окремий акцент зроблено на організації й редагуванні власних академічних текстів та розумінні основних відмінностей між основними функціональними стилями.Item Academic Writing: syllabus(2021) Нестеренко, ЛюдмилаКурс "Академічне письмо" відповідає навчальному плану підготовки бакалаврів, що навчаються за спеціальністю "Філологія. Германські мови та література (переклад включно, перша - англійська)" і допомагає засвоєнню фахових дисциплін. Даний курс орієнтований на розвиток спеціалізованих мовних навичок, вмінь фахового спілкування та вироблення комунікативної компетенції студентів на рівні, що умовно називається “вищесереднього” (“upper - intermediate”, В2). У процесі підготовки навчально-методичного посібника застосовано комунікативний підхід до навчання. Курс спрямовано на вивчення англомовного академічного письма як різновиду наукового (академічного) спілкування. На практичних заняттях обговорюються проблемні питання, що передбачають розвиток навичок критичного мислення, а також виконуються завдання, виконання яких допоможе студентам сформувати вміння й практичні навички комунікативно виправдано користуватися засобами мови для створення відповідних зразків академічного письма. Окремий акцент зроблено на організації й редагуванні власних академічних текстів та розумінні основних відмінностей між основними функціональними стилями.Item Acknowledgement of the challenges in constructing different types of discours(2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, IrynaEffective communication involves constructing different types of discourse in various contexts. However, this process poses unique challenges, understanding which is essential for improving communication skills, writing strategies, and discourse analysis. This research problem focuses on exploring the challenges that individuals encounter when constructing the main types of discourse by identifying the specific linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors that contribute to these challenges. The goal of this research is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved in constructing the basic types of discourse. By examining the difficulties associated with such types of writing as narrative, descriptive, process, instructional, expository, reasoning, and persuasive, this study aims to identify specific linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors that contribute to these challenges. Through the analysis of these factors, the research will provide insights that can facilitate the development of strategies, interventions, and resources to support individuals in improving their discourse construction skills. The aim of this research can be achieved through mixed methods, such as (i) collecting quantitative data (surveys and assessments) to measure the individuals’ difficulties in constructing the target types of writing; (ii) collecting qualitative data (interviews and focus group discussions) to gain insights into the linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors influencing these challenges; (iii) analysing obtained statistical and qualitative data.Item An exploration of discoursal identity: The rhetoric of narrative writing(2021) Livytska, InnaThe paper aims at disclosing the process of writer identity enactive construal in narrative writing. Three constituent parts of identity discoursal construction in the narrative are social semiotics as a reflection of the social environment, cultural identity theory as the embodiment of cultural choices and preferences, and pragmatics (Charles S. Peirce). The following research questions have been formulated: (1) What is the nature of identity construction? (2) What rhetorical factors influence identity construal in narrative discourse? By providing a step-by-step analysis of thematic structure, the paper conducts a discourse analysis of narrative episodes in terms of Agent, Process, and Medium triad (Halliday, 1973), reflecting the mechanisms of reader’s manipulation with information as a dynamic semiotic process of interpretation, limited by a final interpretant.Item Application of arc method in planning and conducting a lesson(1999) Dukhota, O.The article is about importance of usage various methods of teaching during a lesson to achieve better understanding and good command of the target language. These methods (Authentic Use, Restricted Use, Clarification) must entangle and must be used in every lesson according to a strict order. Advantages and disadvantages of some of them are also presented.Item Applying an aspect-oriented approach when developing an e-commerce system(2021) Kucheriava, Olga; Bachynska, Larysa; Holeho, NataliiaA new promising approach to program development has been considered – aspect-oriented programming, intended for automated adding to the target applications of crosscutting functionality. The article presents the application of an aspect-oriented approach for creating logging in the e-commerce system.Item Biology Students’ Perceptions of Internet Resources in Learning English for Academic Purposes(2021) Liashchenko, Olesia; Pylypchuk, Tetiana; Vereshchahina, TetianaThe outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has accelerated the process of digitalization in higher education setting and the field of learning English for academic purposes is no exception. An adequate selection of available online resources of high didactic and pedagogical value that could facilitate EAP learning is an urgent issue. The aim of the article is to investigate biology students’ evaluation of 6 internet resources (FutureLearn, Khan Academy, tutorial channels on Youtube (namely, CrashCourse and RicochetScience), Quizlet, Kahoot, Crossword Labs) that were used during the academic year 2020-2021 as supplementary tools for achieving learning objectives in the framework of disciplinary course ‘English for Biologists (freshmen).’ In order to achieve the purpose of the research quantitative and qualitative surveys were conducted among first-year biology students. Collected data revealed their preferences regarding 3 sections in the evaluation of internet resources: design (user-friendly browsing, absence of technical errors), information reliability and accuracy, promotion of learners’ interaction and engagement. Also, the data showed students’ self-assessment of linguistic skills they improved by utilizing these resources. The study of students’ perceptions of internet resources helps to define useful internet tools to make distant learning of Academic English for Biology more meaningful and effective.Item Blended learning method for improving students' media literacy level(2020) Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Shyshkina, MariyaThe paper discusses the issues of improving students' media literacy skills to help them to navigate through an increasingly complex information society. It reports on a project aimed at applying the blended learning model to boost high school students' media literacy levels. The given model is recognized to have a number of advantages for both teachers (tutors) and learners (students). It is generally accepted that the blended learning method provides students with profound theoretical knowledge and retains the emphasis on practice. Besides, online classes offer a great opportunity to reach a wider audience. The purpose of the paper is to describe the authors' experience in introducing a new method for improving the learners' media literacy skills based on the blended learning model. The survey responses demonstrated that the accessibility, ease-of-use, and duration of the classes were deemed effective in terms of students' engagement and increases in their media literacy level. The course helped learners to develop their critical thinking and other media-related skills, to identify propaganda, manipulation, and fake messages found in media streams.Item Bridge from Free Writing to Academic Writing: Attending to Style(2003) Fedoriv, Ya.Стаття зосереджена на тих особливостях академічного стилю, які відрізняють науковий текст від текстів інших жанрів. Такий підхід є особливо актуальним під час викладання англійської мови для студентів магістерських програм з погляду підготовки їх до обміну науково-професійним досвідом на міжнародному рівні.Item Communicative failures in Anglophone performative utterances: a study of securities emission texts(2020) Serhiienko, LesiaThe article focuses on the differences between constative and performative utterances found in Initial Public Offering texts. Various types o f communicative infelicities found in performative statements within prospectus' texts are investigated. Sufficient notice has been taken in the most evident reasons for infelicities discovered in performative statements in Initial Public Offering texts, which are analysed in the article. This article demonstrates the peculiarities of the factors that reduce or nullify the responsibility of the issuer and researches the chapters of Initial Public Offering where these factors are obvious and where the usage of these factors can be logically explained.Item The Concept of loneliness in neoromantic fiction(1999) Prisna, T.The article is dedicated to the function of loneliness in the literary method “romanticism”. The concept of loneliness is viewed as one of the key notions for the method. The evolution of the concept’s functioning is followed throughout two periods: end of the XVIII — beginning of the XIX c. (romanticism) and end of the XIX — beginning of the XX c. (neoromanticism).The two periods are compared and on the basis of this comparison some conclusions are made as to why and how the views of neoromantics on the role of the individuality had changed.Item The concept of positivity in private classifieds of the section 'for home'(2020) Husar, MalvinaТhe topic of our research is defined by the relevance of learning the concepts which is caused by the present-day linguists’interest to such problems of cognitive linguistics as language world picture, language personality, language discourse, conceptualization. The object of the investigation is the private classifieds published in British newspapers online. The novelty is explained by the fact that the concept positivity in private classifieds is analyzed for the first time. The component method of concept analysis is used.Item The conceptual analysis of the successfulness of British private classifieds(2020) Husar, MalvinaThe article offers the conceptual analysis of the main points influencing the successfulness of the British private classifieds published online. It suggests that successful classifieds are those ones which are positively accepted by the addressees, which is why the concept "positivity" is taken as the object of investigation. The paper states that the concept has a multi-layered structure, which consists of three components. The first one is nominative. It correlates with the explanatory dictionary definition which explains the word "positivity" as "something positive", "the quality of having a positive attitude", "the fact that something … has a positive result". Another component of the concept is evaluative. The values are introduced by the appraisals. The object of the appraisal in the texts of classifieds is the commodity. Depending on the background and the aspect of the appraisal, the utterances are divided into general and specific appraising. The first ones include the positive appraisal of the object in general. The second ones, specific appraising utterances, contain the positive appraisal of specific characteristics and qualities of the commodity. Depending on the aspect of the appraisal, the specific appraising utterances may characterize novelty, modernity and price of the commodity. Also, the values may be represented both explicitly and implicitly. The explicit presentation of the positive appraisal takes place via lexical units with direct positive meaning, such as: good, excellent, perfect. The implicit positive appraisal in classifieds is formed with the help of negative prefixes and particles which reduce the negative meaning of the semantically negative words, e.g., unused, never used. The last component of the concept structure is figurative. This part of the concept "positivity" is represented by physical characteristics of the commodity which should meet the requirements of the addressee. These are the desired shape, color, material, appearance, size, quantity, condition and brand. At the end the article provides the conclusions and perspectives of the investigation.Item A content analysis software system for efficient monitoring and detection of hate speech in online media(2023) Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Burov, OleksandrThis paper presents the results of interdisciplinary project that is a combination of computer program and psycholinguistic approach to media study. In the research we presented the programs that can be used for monitoring and analysis of media content to identify hate speech at its early stage. The aims of research were the following: 1) develop content analysis program for monitoring Russian media outlets; 2) apply the psycholinguistic approach for identifying hidden and manipulative hate speech. In the research there were used two types of content-analysis: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative content analysis was conducted with computer program that was developed to select publication that could have contained hate speech. For qualitative content analysis the psycholinguistic method of text analysis was used. The method applies for identification methods and tolls that journalists use to incriminate hidden and manipulative hate speech. It is hypothesized that programs of content-analysis help to optimize work and makes it less time-consuming and more effective for analyst, journalists and other specialists who involved into media study. Methods. Quantitative content analysis, psycholinguistic method of qualitative content-analysis. Quantitative content analysis was developed with Python programming language. The publications were selected according to the key words, periods of search (month) and the name of outlet. The list of key words includes words that are used in media for discrimination, dehumanization, and marginalization of objects of hate. Implementation such a program helped to reduce time of monitoring of media outlets. The qualitative content-analysis was conducted with the authors’ psycholinguistic method of text analysis that can be applied for analyzing media texts. The programs of content analysis were applied within the project "Hate Speech in Online Media Publicizing Events in Crimea". The results were published in a data analysis report on spreading the hate speech in the Russian language media communicating the armed Ukraine – Russia conflict and events related to it in Crimea on a regular base (December 2020 – May 2021). The research showed that the content analysis programs used in the project are useful tools for systematizing and processing data in humanities research and can be used by a wide range of specialist who have deal with collection and processing of information (media, communication, human rights and so on).Item Contesting Ukrainian Nationhood: Literary Translation and the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict(2022) Rudnytska, NataliiaThe use of literary translations as an ideological weapon in the Cold War era has received considerable attention from translation scholars. However, the same tendency in today’s world remains underestimated, and research tends to be limited to political and media discourse. This paper examines the use of literary translations in the contemporary RF for contesting Ukrainian nationhood, fueling anti-Ukrainian sentiment and providing public support for the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. The research combines analysis of translated texts with examining factors that influence (non)translation and reception of works highlighting Russian-Ukrainian relations. The study focuses on translations of works by Taras Shevchenko, Nikolay Gogol and Oksana Zabuzhko and the Russian public debate concerning the role of literary translations in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.Item Contrastive Grammar: Theory and Practice(2019) Гладуш, Надія; Павлюк, НаталіяНавчальний посібник з порівняльної граматики англійської та української мов висвітлює теоретичні питання, які розкривають спільні та відмінні риси у структурі двох мов. Кожна тема з морфології та синтаксису супроводжується практичними завданнями, які допомагають краще зрозуміти і засвоїти матеріал. У другій частині надаються таблиці, які систематизують і класифікують явища, що вивчаються. Посібник відповідає програмі курсу "Порівняльна граматика англійської та української мов" для вищих навчальних закладів. Розраховано на студентів спеціальності "Філологія" навчальних закладів вищої освіти, викладачів та усіх, кого цікавлять питання структурної організації мови.Item Conveying the symbols of Lyuba Yakimchuk's poetry, "Aapricots of Donbas", in English translatio(2024) Kovalenko, AlonaBackground. Although the translation of modern Ukrainian poetry has been widely studied, the specific challenge of conveying symbols in Lyuba Yakimchuk’s expressionistic poems has yet to be explored. Contribution to the research field. The present study raises intriguing questions about the possibility of translating symbols in poetry, especially those deeply culturally rooted. Purpose. To analyse how the author uses various symbols in her poetry, decipher their meaning and compare them with how they have been conveyed in English with some conclusions about the equivalency of the chosen options. Methods. This research applies descriptive-analytical and comparative methods, with original Ukrainian poems selected using a sampling technique. Results. The poems in Lyuba Yakimchuk’s collection "Apricots of Donbas" are written in blank verse. However, this fact does not solve the problem of conveying the form and meaning in the English translation since symbolism in her works is sometimes expressed through graphic means, such as split words and lines or phonological means (e.g., alliteration). The main peculiarity is the contextual nature of symbols, as some are related to a particular place (the author’s hometown, Pervomaisk of Luhansk Oblast) or the tragic historical events that began in the east of Ukraine in 2014. All these peculiarities make conveying such symbols in English quite challenging and allow us to conclude about partial untranslatability in some cases. Discussion. This research has shown that poems in the collection "Apricots of Donbas" by Lyuba Yakimchuk are full of vivid and memorable symbols representing her hometown Pervomaisk and her native Luhansk Oblast (apricots, coal mines, earth, water, terricones, ashtray), war (caterpillar, Yum), family and relations with them (blood, phone, cup), and symbolic colours (black, red, white). Though many symbols used in the poems are deeply related to a specific cultural and historical context, the translators mostly managed to convey their meaning in English by using such translation strategies as domestication and foreignization. Symbols tied to the phonological and morphological features of the Ukrainian language presented significant challenges, resulting in a partial loss of semantic load. Future research will explore how symbols in contemporary Ukrainian poetry written after February 24, 2022, reflect the current events in Ukraine.Item Creating ESP-based language learning environment to foster critical thinking capabilities in students’ papers(2020) Karapetian, AlinaThe purpose of this research is to experimentally evaluate how the “flipped classroom” model used to deliver Business English, which is commonly an integral part to the ESP course at tertiary schools of Economics in Ukraine, to the students majoring in Economics fosters students’ critical thinking skills and improved their academic performances and what students’ perceptions of this model are. The learning environment used a multimedia-based textbook entitled “Business skills through English”. This was experimental research which used a mixed-methods approach. Students’ critical thinking skills and academic performance (learning outcomes) were the variables for this study. Placement tests, needs analysis questionnaires, Course Satisfaction Questionnaire, a test to assess the students’ critical thinking skills were used to collect the statistical data. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was applied to interpret the test on critical thinking data and SPSS AMOS statistical package programme was used to analyse the consolidated data. The study found that the “flipped classroom” model used to deliver ESP and Business English to the students majoring in Economics has the potential to provide a better learning experience for the students and teaching experience for the teachers. This model fosters students’ critical thinking skills by involving them in problem-solving-based learning and improves their academic performances by increasing their responsibility for learning results and stimulating them to use different learning styles. Overall, the above model substitutes a teacher-centered with a student-centered approach that engages learners in the true-to-life business world and language environment. In this way, learning Business English and ESP at higher educational institutions in Ukraine is a move from just training memory (memorizing professionalism-related English vocabulary and doing grammar drills) to applying language as a learning medium in the specifically designed vocational contexts.Item Decoding Resilience: A Linguistic Exploration of Motivational Constructs in Survey Responses(AVIAZ, 2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, IrynaThe study of motivation-related language is crucial due to its role as a tool for expression and influence, shaping communicants' motivations, choices, and outcomes. This paper explores the connection between language, motivation, and resilience, focusing on defining the notion of resilience based on a survey consisting of resilience-related questions and involving university student respondents. The proposal investigates how linguistic cues in survey responses contribute to defining resilience, identifies key motivation-related language patterns, and explores variations in linguistic cues across different academic subgroups, with the goal of enhancing our understanding of language's role in defining resilience for practical implications in research and pedagogical interventions.